Chapter 9

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"Did you bring your witch?"

"It wasn't easy, but yes I brought the witch. You do know this is considered kidnapping right?"

"I don't care!" I snapped before I went to sit behind my desk.

Archie was also in the room, sitting on one of the chairs, staring at his hands. Josh walked in and following behind him, came his witch and that other girl he's suddenly been around with more often, Archie's friend. Mia was her name, I think.

Well, most of my attention was on this witch and she better be of good used to me.

"You have some nerve summoning me like I am your slave!" she said to me.

"You better watch your tone or you'll wish I treat you like a slave instead!" I said warningly. "I take it Josh told you everything already. Do your voodoo thing and figure out what's wrong with the omega."

"I don't work for free." she folded her arms while chewing on some gum.

I clenched my fists about to tear out her throat, luckily for her Josh pulled out his wallet. He handed her a stack of cash before she took it, and looked at Archie.

"Hmm, is that him?"


Archie lifted his head looking at me then at her. I didn't even trust this witch, especially since we haven't uncovered the identities of the witches that attacked him the other night, but I trusted Josh and if he trusted her then I was fine with it.

"Josh, I'm leaving you in charge here," I said before standing up.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"Off to interrogate a few bitches."

"Try not to kill anyone. We have no solid proof that the witches are behind it yet."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I glared at him.

"You obviously haven't been thinking rationally, which is normal since he is your mate. All we know is that you witnessed witches attacking him. My witch is here to confirm that, but only what she finds can determine if that's true and what they did to him. I'm not a werewolf or a witch, Jason...I'm human...but to be honest I don't see the difference here. You have a mate now and that changes everything..."

Someone had to say it to me eventually if I hadn't already figured it out. I thought I made up my mind when I decided not to let Archie be a part of this life, but I already had sex with him. I nearly marked him and I wanted to claim him already.

"Watch my mate, Josh," was all I said before leaving.


Justin had the interrogation rooms made ready for me. As soon as I entered, I started with the coven elders, the people that were on my number one suspect list.

As expected none of them cooperated or at least pretended they didn't know. The moment I mentioned the black clad to them, they all seemed puzzled.

I was getting frustrated and actually took what Josh said earlier to me to mind, so I took a break for a moment and headed back to the packhouse to see if that witch found out what was done to my mate.

Something definitely had to be done, earlier the windows imploded on us. I wasn't here, he would've been badly hurt.

I walked into my office and found the witch still in the room looking as if she was talking to Josh. Archie wasn't here.

I closed the door shut because I wanted to hear everything.

"Do you have my answers?"

Josh looked to me and then to her. "I think it's better if you explain it to him."

The witch looked at me and she looked shaken, her face pale even. "I'm sorry, I don't want any part in this!"

"Talk!" I snapped.

"I did what you asked me to! I used a detection spell, to see if any essence of magic was left on him which would prove if he was bewitched or hexed and I found none, but I did find something and oh...we're all fucked!"

"What do mean?!" I growled and grabbed her arm. "Stop talking in circles!"

"Your mate isn't bewitched! He is a witch! He was spellbound and when those cloaked witches you saw 'attacked' him, or as you said they did, they didn't attack him. They unbound him and released his magic. He's a witch!"

What? "That can't be! He's an omega!"

"I know what I felt. He has magic, very powerful magic and a kind of power that had only been carried in ancient times! He has the genes of a werewolf and the genes of witch. It's exactly like the prophecy said!"

I looked at Josh and he was just as confused. None of this made sense. It couldn't make sense. Witches and werewolves crossbreeding would be like cats and dogs crossbreeding. It wasn't possible.

Was my mate a hybrid? And if all this was true, then she was right, he was a very powerful one.

And that would explain what happened at the room. I got him angry and his magic must've reacted with his emotion. He caused the windows to implode.

"Don't tell anyone about this!" I said to her, glaring warningly. "If I hear a word about you running to your little coven and telling them about Archie, I will kill you!"

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