Chapter 2

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"Happy birthday, bub!" Mia rushed into the store to the till, carrying hordes of gift bags.

I was standing there looking for any hole I could crawl into. This was a frickin convenient store and I worked here! Could she at least come up with another method to embarrass me?

"Thanks, Mia!" I smiled and took the gift bags, smiling at one of the clients behind her in line, trying to take all the stuff so she could leave. "Was all this necessary? I told you, I don't want to celebrate my birthday."

"And I told you for as long as you are my best friend, we will always celebrate your birthday. And besides you're 21c surely we can make an exception, right?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I gestured with my hand for her to move aside so I could tend to the other customers that actually came here to buy stuff. I was working another night shift tonight and my birthday was only going to end in two hours.

Hopefully Mia was going to stop this whole birthday thing and go.

She came behind the counter and took out a cake from one of the bags. It smelled like a Black Forest cake, my favorite.

"Be glad that cake's the only reason I'm agreeing to this!" I said, being a werewolf made it even more difficult to say no to food. My senses were heightened ever since I've turned.

I was a late bloomer as well and only learnt to shift a year ago. It still hurt whenever I did shift, luckily I had perfect control over it, so not even tonight's full moon would affect me.

Mia and I had cake. Time was going by quickly and the store was pretty much empty. Only one or two customers came to buy stuff. With the bonfire going on at the West coast forest, not many wolves were around here this time.

"So, has anything interesting happened in your life?" I asked Mia, in hopes that I could shift the attention from myself towards her.

"None in particular...Although there is this one guy!"

I smirked and stuffed a piece of cake into my mouth. "This, I wanna hear!" I then saw the doors of the store open and two figures walking on.

"We met last night and he's so hot!"

"You meet guys every night, what makes him so different?" i asked her and slid my plate aside before wiping my mouth clean with the napkin so I could tend to the new customers.

"Oh no, this one is different..." Mia trailed off and I had to look at her because sounded to me like she was daydreaming. Mia never daydreams. "Omg, he's here!" suddenly she ducked under the table and hid herself.

I stood there dumbstruck, confused as fuck, until I caught this powerful musky and yet sweet scent that awakened something inside me and made a word nearly escape the back of my throat. I pressed my lips in a hard line and looked ahead of me, seeing two men standing there.

The one put down two cans of coke and a bag of Doritos, also a small packet of jellybeans. He wasn't exactly the one who caught my attention.

There was the one standing next to him. He was tall and big, his body so shredded I could see his muscles through the tank top he was wearing. His left forearm had a tattoo and so did the top half of his right arm. He had blonde hair and green eyes. And the scent radiating off his body made my mind feel hazy and foggy, it felt like the very reality around him never existed.


The words came out before I could stop them.

I heard Mia bumping her head. "Ow!" Before she jumped out, looking at me with wide eyes as did I look at her with wide eyes. "Did you just say the word?!"

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