Chapter 22

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"Congrats, Archie!" Micayla squealed at my mate, pulling him in for a hug. "You finally unlocked your powers!"

I was standing in the room with folded arms, glaring very suspiciously at her. I growled when she hugged my mate for too long. I never liked this woman. She was obnoxious and so full of herself and why the hell was Archie acting like they were friends? 

Josh came up beside me, nudging my arm with his elbow. "You know, you can try not be a dick the whole time?"

"You can try not be a pain in my arse the whole time!"

Josh held his hands back in defense. "Relax. Geez, is it necessary to be on edge the whole time? You literally have ten guards posted around this room when they should be out there helping to look for those black cloak witches."

"I am just keeping my mate safe. He is my priority."

"I get it and I get you. It's okay to be paranoid and afraid, Jason." he patted my shoulder, making me tense up. "But, I know Micayla. There are good people out there and some of them are witches too. Micayla is one of those witches. Archie just found out he is both werewolf and witch and she is the only witch person he can consider calling a friend. They are also his people. Can't you see that it makes him happy being himself?"

I listened to Josh and then I did look at Archie. His words really had me thinking and now I could see it for myself. Archie was smiling and even doing some magic too. 

"At first using it wasn't easy!" Archie mumbled as tiny red spheres orbited around his hand. "But now I am getting a hang of it."

He really looked happy. 

Micayla closely made an observation. "The form and runes tell me that this is clearly protection magic, but I have never seen this color before and no one has been seen using protection magic since ancient times. I have never seen anything like it before. I mean you created this huge barrier and it still hasn't come down since. Last night the whole south side could feel your energy and everyone's been talking about it, including the locals. No wonder the other witches are out hunting for you."

"Other witches?" the spheres all popped and I could sense how anxious he felt through our mate bond. 

I unfolded my arms and shifted from the wall before standing behind him and wrapping my arms around him. "Those witches will think twice before coming near you!" 

Archie finally relaxed and smiled at me. His cheeks remained tainted red. 

"There actually something I need to tell you guys," he said. 

"What is it?" I asked, listening.

"Yesterday when I left with Mia to go to the mall, I saw something in Woolworths. There were witches there talking to me, saying that they were coming for me."

"What?!" I darted my eyes at Reuben wondering why he hasn't told me any of this. Even Mia looked bewildered. 

"Only I could see them. There was even one talking through a baby!"

"This is mental magic!" Micayla said and looked at me with wide eyes. "That means they can penetrate the barrier!"

I sighed and closed my eyes as I was trying my best not to get frustrated with him. I was definitely going to deal with him later. "Can this be prevented?"

"I don't know..." she said. I did listen to her heartbeat and I could tell that she wasn't lying. "I mean yes perhaps we can. Archie's spell is keep all the other witches out including me. If this only affected them on a physical level then any shapeshifter could've gone through. The spell is engineered so perfectly that the barrier itself is absolute. If he can make a shield like that, then I'm pretty sure he can shield himself from any mental attacks."

"Do you think he can do that?"

"I can do it!" Archie said. 

I glanced at Josh and nodded at him so he could go and ready the car. "I am trusting you with my mate witch. Stay put and you better not try anything funny. If a spell was cast at Woolworths, we'll find any tracible magical essence with the help of our trackers."

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