Chapter 4

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I woke up to the smell of a hospital room. I opened my eyes and I was inside a hospital room. It the bed, the sheets, the drip feed and that awful smell. I hated hospitals and for a moment I didn't know why I was here, till I saw Mia standing next to the bed and him.

"Archie!" Mia hugged me. "You're awake! Finally!"

"What happened?" I asked, still a little disoriented.

She pulled away and looked at me. "You got attacked by witches. Luckily Alpha Jason was there to save you. I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you!"

I remembered now. I remembered those witches and what they did. The memory still felt traumatising, it was a miracle I was still alive.

Hold up. Did she just say alpha Jason? It couldn't be...

I looked at him, standing there with folded arms like he didn't have a care in the world. A shiver travelled down my spine when he did look at me and I looked away.

After those witches attacked me, I remembered one more thing. The sense of safety I felt the moment I was in his arms. And now he wasn't even the one standing next to me, he just stood there like a robot. I suppose I should've thanked him, but I was so overwhelmed by everything that has happened.

"You'll be living at the pack house," he said. "As soon as the doctor discharges you. You will remain under my pack's protection for the time being."

"Wait what?" He was already giving out orders. He had the cheek. "No thanks. I wanna go home when I get out of here. By the way, can I go now?" I looked at Mia, voluntarily handing myself over to her custody. I didn't want to be near that man.

Mia opened her mouth to say something, but they quickly closed when a certain someone growled warningly.

I then heard his heavy footsteps before he snatched my chin and made me look at him. "I wasn't asking!"

I still wanted to protest, but I felt his powerful alpha pheromones radiating off him. It felt like this invisible force was pinning me to the bed and I didn't know whether I should be intimidated or turned on by it.

"You heard the man!" Mia said. "He's an alpha and he's your mate. You're under his care now, Archie."

I felt a sting in my chest as Mia so easily betrayed me. I never believed in the omega should obey the alpha crap! Why did she think I went on without a pack in the first place?!

I jerked my face away from his hood, literally pouting like a little kid. This was too much for me to start my morning. I wanted to go home, get tucked under my blankets and maybe draw one of my sex comics.

"Josh, you should take your friend home," Jason said now looking for something to dismiss Mia. "She looks tired."

Mia looked at him, glaring and finally I did see hope. My best friend wasn't going to bend over her back for this jerk. However, the moment the other guy-Josh I presumed-touched her arm, she turned her head and looked at him flustered.

"Wanna get out of here?" He asked he.

"Sure," she said doing the hoe-giggle. "Lead the way!"

That bitch!

My jaws dropping, I watched her leave with him holding hands as if they were a married couple. Mia was always a sucker for cocks, I just never thought one that could wrap herself around its pinky finger actually existed.

The sounds of their voices died out and now it was just the two of us. I didn't even want to look at him, so I folded my arms and turned on my side so my back could face him.

"You can go too. I want to sleep."

He sighed. "I'm not going anywhere. How are you feeling?"

"Don't pretend you care how I feel."

"...We can go fetch your things later, if you want?"

I clenched my hands around the bedsheets. That's not what I wanted him to say. I wanted him to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay and that he was sorry for making feel like I was about to be rejected.

"I'm not the cold hearted person you think I am," he grumbled.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Just leave me the hell alone."


A couple of hours later, the doctors finally discharged me and I was ready to go home. Only the alpha was hellbent on making me stay at his pack house.

He went home with me to fetch my things and there he followed me all over the place. Look, I had a really small place so there was barely enough room to move around with his giant sized body looking over me.

"Could you excuse me?" I asked him when I wanted to close the door of the bathroom so I could pee.

"Fine!" He growled and folded his arms standing back.

I closed the door shut and locked it and then sighed in relief. Now I was going to leave him there for another hour and stay in here, grant myself the personal space I desperately needed.

I opened the wall cabinet and took out my toothbrush and toiletries. I then tugged down the collar of my shirt to see if there was anything out of place and if maybe the witches hexed me, but I saw nothing. No scars or markings. Maybe whatever they did happened internally?


It would be best if I didn't think about it!

I stopped myself from overthinking it and continued doing what I came here to do. After I gathered all my things, I then peed and then unlocked the door so I could go fetch the rest of my stuff.

I entered my bedroom and froze when I saw Jason holding my sketchbook. My eyes wide as it wasn't the black book, but the red book. NOBODY touched the red one.

"Where did you get that?!" I asked as I only hid that in one place. I rushed to grab it before he saw something he wasn't supposed to see.

He saw me coming and held the book up, far out of my reach. "Did you draw these yourself? Are you a graphic novelist?"

"No! And that is none of your business!" I yelled, my cheeks red from the embarrassment. He just wouldn't stop reading it.

He lowered his arm and that was my chance to finally take it back, only this time he caught my arm. He twirled me around and shoved me against the closet, pinning me against it then hovering over me from behind.

He breathed next to my ear and then held the book open where I could see it.

There, two pages were wide open. Pages of one of my most lewd forms of art all in the form of a hot comic sex scene.

My love for comics came from a little age, but back then it was always superhero stuff and manga. Later I learnt about sex and the human reproduction system, and obviously I grew more and more curious.

My creative and curious tendencies got the best of me and I started drawing my own hentai manga, porn graphic novels in other words. I kept them in a separate notebook and hid it where I knew nobody could find it. And now Jason was holding it in his hand, reading one of my most favourite scenes, showing me that he was reading.

"Are all these your deepest fantasies?" He asked me and I gulped.

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