Chapter 3

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I waited, standing at the door of the infirmary checking to make sure the pack doctors were doing their job right. I was so stupid for leaving him like that, knowing full well that those witches would jump at any opportunity to get to me.

Maybe that filthy spy bewitched me in my sleep and cooked up a spell, that would allow them to to tell whether I found my mate. That way they could attack him and I wouldn't see it coming.

If Josh hadn't gone after me and convinced me to go back, he would've been dead.

"How is he?" Mia, the friend, asked me.

I gave her a look and thankfully Josh spoke to her because I wasn't exactly in the social mood tonight. "We're waiting on the pack doctor. Currently we are just as clueless as you."

"I don't get it! Why would witches want to attack him? Archie never wanted a part of this war, it's why he never joined a pack in the first place and chose to live on his own!"

At least that explained what the hell my mate was doing, working in a convenient store. In Langensbay there existed only one pack and two headquarters. Every werewolf had the freedom to choose whether they could join us. We weren't just a pack, but also a community.

The fact that he wasn't in our pack yet only meant that he never wanted anything to do with us. Frankly I doubt he'd want anything to do with me. I was the alpha of this pack and ruthless. I would've ripped those witches apart if I had my hands on them, I already sent out a team to look for them.

I had so much blood on my hands and so many enemies. I left the store the first time, because once he'd get to know me and who I was, he wouldn't want me. He would reject me.

I always wanted a mate and dreamt of the day, but I also couldn't corrupt someone so precious and innocent. I also couldn't stand the thought of ever letting him go. He was mine now, I wouldn't let anyone hurt or have him.

"What are you thinking in that head of yours?" I heard Josh ask me.

I blinked and looked at him. "Has Justin and his team returned yet?"

"I wouldn't know, I am not the one who can mind-link them."

I rolled my eyes. I nearly forgot Josh was human.

"Guys, it looks like one of the doctors is coming," said Mia.

I quickly stood of the wall and walked to the doctor. "Could you find anything? What did they do to him; hex him? Can we fix it?"

The doctor looked nervous and I was growing pissed. He either didn't know what he was dealing with or how to tell me without me ripping his throat out. "Sir, I checked his vitals and we ran other tests including brain scans. There is nothing wrong with--"

"Bullshit!" I snapped and the doctor looked like he was about to pee in his pants. "I was there! I saw those witches cornering him and bewitching him! He was in agony and pain!"

"I-I suppose...maybe it was a psychic attack and the damage done may not be on a physical level. Unfortunately none of us have... the expertise in this."

I gritted my teeth, already feeling my claws sinking into my palms. However, i felt Josh touching my shoulder and in some way it helped me think reasonably. "...Has he regained consciousness yet?"

"He has, for a moment. He fell asleep again and will remain on drip-feed until he's recovered most of his strength."

"I you may go now, I'll remain here and call you if you're needed," I dismissed him with my hand before Mia barged into the room first and held my mate's hand in hers.

Seeing that he wasn't hurt badly put me at ease, but I also didn't what they did to him and how they planned on using him as means of torturing me. I didn't know, but the thought of him getting hurt...

"I think we should consult a witch," Josh suggested.

"You're right, we should. I remember every single word those witches uttered. They used magic words, incantations. Every specific spell as a specific incantation. If we can match the spell with the words, then we'll know what we are dealing with."

"Can't you at least be happy over the fact that you finally found your mate."

"No, I can't Josh. Until I know he is safe..." I looked into the room. "I won't give them what they want."

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