Chapter 18

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"Alpha! We're under attack!"

What? How the hell did they get in?

As the flames of the bonfire changed color and a magic portal opened, the first thing that popped up on my mind, was Archie. I quickly looked over at Josh and the others only to see that he wasn't here. 

Justin was quick enough to rally the pack and prepare them for this attack. Five figures in black cloaks appeared and I remembered them. They were the ones that came for Archie that night, the ones the unbound his magic. They came here for him. 

The bonfire took a weird shape again and then it spit a large ball of fire sending it straight towards the house. I looked to where the target was and I saw my mother. Archie suddenly coming out of nowhere and jumping into the fireball. 

"Archie!" Everything around me went silent after that. I watched in horror as blue flames dispersed into the air, creating a giant wall of fire which spread and destroyed anything in its passed. The cars standing on the way blew up and everyone got blown away by the shockwave of the blast.

I was knocked down, but I immediately got up and charged into the blue inferno, rushing to find and rescue my mate. Parts of my clothes and skin burnt as I charged through the fire. I leaped into the air and immediately shifted to make it through the final wall of fire. Just as I landed, I rolled into the dust to snuff out the flames on my fur only to run into a still in tact packhouse. 


I looked ahead there he was. Archie, levitating in the air and his eyes glowing red with a large protective bubble around him. Nothing happened and I stared, amazed as Archie performed magic for the first time. I hated witches and I hated magic, but I never thought I'd ever see something so beautifully done before. 

Archie looked at me and smiled and then he looked behind him at my mother. He did it to protect her. I fucking loved this boy.

As Archie came back down, I shafted back into my human form and walked to him wrapping my arms around him. " fucking scared me!" I was so relieved. "Are you okay?"

His cheek was stained black, but I saw that it was only from the smoke. "I'm fine..."

"You just used magic..."

"I just kinda happened..." He looked at his hands frowning and then at me. "I think I can actually use magic. You have to help the others, they need you!"

I turned around now to the real fight. The whole pack was in an all out battle against the witches. They showcased magic I have never seen before, the same way Archie just used magic unlike any I have seen. One witch literally made trees grow from the ground and another summoned storm clouds. 

I had to go help with the fighting as they were all missing coordination without an alpha to help lead them. 

"Jason, go!" Archie said. "I'll take your mom to safety."

It was clear they were attacking my mom to distract me and for a moment it didn't work. I was reluctant about using the only two people that meant the world to me alone and I truly had no doubt in Archie's ability to protect himself, but these witches looked powerful and like they had experience.

My danger sense kicked in again and quickly I seized his hips before jumping out of the way, just in time to dodge a purple bolt of lightning. As soon as we landed, I quickly flipped us in the air so I could land on my back and take the impact while Archie was held against my chest protected from the hard landing. 

One of the black cloaked witches was walking our way, walking on the air with a storm cloud floating right above his head. I couldn't see a face, all I saw was darkness.

"Get behind me!" I said, pulling Archie behind me and quickly shifting. I never wanted this to be his first time seeing me in my shifted form, but this was an emergency.

These witches may have been powerful, but I was strong too and no amount of magic power could faze me. They were still made of human flesh and bones, all I needed was one slash of my claw or a bite in the neck in order to kill them.

The witch took another step towards me and then I hurled myself towards, craving for the taste of his blood. The cloud floated high in the air and behind sending lightning bolts at me. I evaded them, using my danger sense.

I got close enough so leaped and went for his arm, deciding to dismantle him first. However, just as I got close enough, came out of nowhere and hit my spine. 

It was precise attack, meant to paralyze me from the back down. I hit the ground and then a tree, grunting from the pain, but I could handle it. 

The witch walked towards and this time I could see the lower half of his face, carrying a smirk. What the hell was that? How could I not feel that attack coming! Was it not magic? 

"Jason Roux," the witch finally spoke. "You look just like your father."


"Leave him alone!" Archie screamed his eyes glowing red and then a red beam of light shooting out of his hands and chest into the sky. 

The witch suddenly stepped back, her whole strong approach suddenly fading. "Such power!"

The beam hit the sky and then like curtains, the walls of a large red dome fell from the sky. The entire territory got sealed within this shell and all the witches stopped with their attacks.

The storm cloud witch looked at Archie and pointed a finger at him. "We will be back! This isn't over!" and then they vanished.

I was again in my human form, using my remaining strength to heal my spine. And then before Archie collapsed, I rushed to him catching him in my arms. 

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