I Like Him, I Think.. (Sharky x Aj)

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Part 2 !!
(Highly recommend reading the previous chapter)


"..hey." Aj shortly answered back.

"You aren't busy, right now right?" Sharky confirmed, "I can leave if you want."

"No. I told you. Let's just chill."

"Okay okay! Just thought I would check!"

"You're mad enthusiastic, yeah?"

"Ahah, am I? Sorry I'm just happy to hang out," Sharky brightened up. He stood awkwardly at the front of the door.

They just stared at each other's eyes- until Sharky inevitably looked away. He placed his hands behind his back, waiting for a cue.

".. shit. Sorry, my bad. You wanna come in?"

"Oh yes! Thank you!"

Aj guided Sharky to his living room, where he offered him an energy drink.

"A monster? Isn't that an energy drink? But it's literally like 5 P.M..."

"Do you not like caffeinated drinks?"

"No I do! But I usually don't drink them before my dinner time, y'know? That's kind of freakish."

"Well, I guess I'm a freak." Aj spat out.

"I didn't mean it like that..." Sharky sighed, "okay anyways moving on," he directed the conversation to the beginning of Beta Squad.


"How did you meet Chunkz? Chunkz told me his P.O.V, but I wanna know what you were thinking." Sharky's face leaned on a hand.

"I don't remember much honestly. It was quite a while ago. But we met at where we worked together. Chunkz was loud as fuck, like in a good way. He just kept chatting to me and I opened up."

"That's cute," Sharky grinned.

"Yeah but I'm not cute though, I prefer handsome."

"Oh yeah? I'll make sure to take that into consideration." He flirted.

'The fuck? How did the atmosphere change so quickly.. Sharky doesn't look bothered, so I won't comment. I guess.'

Sharky cleared his throat. "Um. Can you get me a water?"

"Yeah. Ice?"

"Yes please. Thank you.."

Sharky watched as Aj left the room. He began to panick in the silence, "why the hell did I do that?" He murmured to himself.

"Here's your water." Aj handed him a nice looking glass of water. It had flowers in its design.

"Thanks," Sharky's voice cracked.

Sharky was just trying to be friendly to his new friend. Yet it somehow turned out to be awkward silence.

Aj hated the silence, as much as he did love it by himself. They were too awkward and new to have comfortable silence.

So Aj spoke up, "what are your hobbies?"

"Oh! I like dancing, and I like filming content,"

"Don't we all.." Aj joked.

The joke landed perfectly, he had such a real laugh.

"Ehehe... what about you? Any hobbies?"

"Yeah. I like gaming, sleeping, eating... anything that doesn't require too much energy."

"You're more of a keep-it-to-yourself kinda guy, yeah?"

Aj nodded.

"So you're like an introvert?" Sharky tilted his head in question.

"I guess you can call it that."


"Shit. Sorry, I just kind of realized how forceful it sounded for me to basically invite myself.."

"It's alright."

Sharky frowned, "I think you can tell I'm more outgoing, sorry about that Aj."

"It's okay, really."

"Ugh, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you."

Aj could only shake his head, "uh, no I swear it's fine!"

"..sorry..." Sharky mumbled quietly.

Was there relationship ever going to get less awkward? They seemed to constantly clash, personality-wise.



As Aj and Sharky talked more, Aj seemed to enjoy the company of the older man.

He was laughing more, his body language changed, and even Sharky could tell he was opening up just as he said with Chunkz.

"You're such a cool guy, Aj."

"Yeah? Thanks." He giggled in reply.

"Yeah, honestly I can see us in the future together as old men."

"Nah, I hope I die earlier than you."

"Woah. That turned dark fast."

Aj licked his lips. "I love dark humor."

"Me too. We're actually so alike, it's crazy.

Sharky and Aj finished off their drinks.

"You know what? I was wrong about you." Aj leaned back onto the couch and crossed his arms.

"Hm? In what way?"

"I don't know I thought you were annoying to be honest."

Sharky didn't know how to feel, at first he was slightly offended by the assumption.

But hey, at least he changed his mind! Plus he was comfortable enough to actually tell him.

After all, their friendship was still pretty fresh.

"Awww, and you don't think so anymore?" Sharky managed to remark back.


"Nah." Aj paused, "I like you, Sharky...I really do.."

Deep down Sharky felt something, butterflies in his stomach, perhaps? But he knew Aj meant it as a friendly platonic way.


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