Shush. (Niko x Aj)

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Late at night, as per usual, Niko and Aj were watching a movie.

Every week at exactly 12:22 A.M.

Niko loved to ask questions and be a bother every fucking second. Aj had to endure Niko's overly curious and annoying self.

Particularly this time, the main character of their movie was running away from a monstrous creature. A black shadowy creature that had long fingers- legs and torso. His face was covered in a black drape of cloth that had some of the guy's blood. The main character, Thomas, was running for a life or death situation.

"I bet he's gonna die." Niko said laughing.

"Haha! That's so funny Niko." Aj sarcastically replied.

"Yeah I know, I always am. Anyways- I think he's going to escape the maze and then the creature is going to teleport behind him. For his death, y'know?-"

Aj cut him off, "Yeah yeah...that monster looks like someone I know...crazy resemblance."

"-then he's the next person gone, I didn't like him anyways to be honest. I preferred Jack, he shouldn't have been the first one dead. But if I were in that situation I'd be the only one to survive. I'm just saying. These guys are idiots. Oh!- And if the rest of Beta Squad was here... Kenny would die first definitely. I think Chunkz- I think he would maybe live. Sharky and you would die."

Aj stared at him, not paying attention to the big screen in front of them.

Niko took his eyes off the screen and looked at the smaller man who seemed pissed off, "What?"

He was definitely annoyed.

Aj crossed his arms and turned his head back to their TV. Niko continued blabbing to himself, making Aj unable to focus on the intense movie. Aj rubbed his eyes.


"See! Look! I told you!"

Niko leaned back on the couch and pointed to the screen- Thomas basically died the exact way Niko predicted he would.

"..hey Niko please shut the fuck up." Aj quietly said, he was trying his best not to let out his anger and frustration with Niko.

"What? You gotta speak up man."

"I said-"


Aj spat, "Niko. Shush."

"Make me!"

Aj saw the taller man playfully grinning, his mind and face almost forgot how angry he truly was for a moment. Aj shook his head, he angrily glared at the man. Aj knew Niko wanted his full attention.

He smirked back for a second.


"I said make me Aj."

The movie was completely forgotten by now- and Aj pounced on him, tickling him with his soft attacks.

Aj grinned, continuously tickling his neck, enjoying Niko's giggles.

"Ah-aha! S-st- aha! St-stop!" Niko tried blocking his attacks.

"Don't try to touch me you long yute, I have the power over you!"

Niko struggled for the surprising, strength of the much smaller man. Niko's legs scrambled, as Niko finally managed to push him off.

"Nah! Don't touch me! You deserved that!" Aj ran away and hid behind the kitchen island.

"...what??! For what? Little ol' me? What did I do?"

Aj spoke up. "Hah. Don't even try- you're not little. Your annoying ass made me lose focus on the movie!"

"I'm not annoying! How could you say that to me!?" Niko's joking tone was seeping through a little too much for Aj to consider him at all- if he was offended.

" you really are."


"Get over here you schmuck!"

Niko chased Aj around the house, threatening to tickle him. They had run through every bit and room of their home.

Him and Aj finally came to an agreement.

"I won't tickle you or talk- or annoy you if you stay and cuddle me! Deal?"

Aj and Niko were on each side of a table, Niko could climb on top if Aj refused the offer.

"What? Fuck..! Uh- deal!"

Niko extended his hand to him. Aj had to lean much forward to shake Niko's hand back. Aj climbed over the table after.

Now they were returning to their lounge room.

Niko sat back down, heavily breathing and out of breath, staring at the previously ignored movie. They had definitely missed a bit of context and had to rewind the last 15 minutes.

"Okay, what was the deal? I just need to confirm."

"Well you already agreed but, you have to cuddle with me and I won't annoy you anymore for the movie."

"Fuck you..fine! I'll do it."

"Good!" Niko grinned.

The movie was still ignored anyways. The two boys were busy cuddling with each other, with small pecks to their cheeks and lips.

"You know Niko," Aj was laying down, "you should learn to shut the hell up when a movie is playing."

"Nah." Niko shook his head, stroking Aj's hair on his lap.

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