A Sleepy Celebration (Beta Squad x Kenny)

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Kenny woke up at 7:00 AM to prepare for his camp. His fight was near and he had to use up any time he could.

Even though Kenny was always tired when he woke up and exhausted when he got back. He didn't even bother showering sometimes- he would change his clothes though.

Camp was physically and mentally draining- but it was for the best! It clearly was working well too. Most of his fights have gone well, his friends and peers pushed him further to do better and better and better and better.

Every fight he had seen improvements.

Today's camp was one of his toughest though. He had previously only gotten 5 hours of sleep out of his usual 11. His bed time was around 8:30 P.M.

His mistake was scrolling on his phone before bed.

'Just a couple scrolls won't be bad..' he thought.

Then before he knew it- it was midnight.


He woke up, fatigued- waking up extra early, per usual, to arrive to camp at 10:00 A.M.

He ate a quick breakfast bar before entering his training ring.

He also thought he would have an easy and quick session since it was his birthday. His older brother didn't think so though.

Instead he pushed him a little harder than yesterday. He was rewarded with a small treat- his camp ended earlier than normal.

During his camp he usually has 3 sessions that are 2-3 hours each- with 30 minute breaks in between them.

His training was bad- it was sloppy and his reaction time was delayed a lot more than usual.

He sighed in relief when he finally walked out of that hell hole. It was about 6:00 when he arrived back at the Beta Squad home.

He trudged along his bag and tiredly pulled out his key.

"Hey Ken!" Someone said.

Kenny flashed a small smile, not even bothering to see who it was- and went into his room. His gym session was tough and he was sweating like a dog.

He took a long shower and got out, changing his clothes into a shorts and a hoodie. He ran downstairs to get a water from the kitchen.


Silence crept in the house and Kenny suspiciously and cautiously turned the corner to the kitchen.

Beta Squad had set up a small party in their kitchen. 'Happy Birthday' banners, balloons, candles, gifts, and party poppers exploded when he walked in.


"Happy birthday Kenny!" They squealed.

Kenny was ecstatic, finally forgetting about the ache in his arms and legs.


Aj brought out a small fruit cake, definitely a healthier alternative to real cake. He still needed to cut short on his calorie and sugar intake.

"Here's your sad fruit cake."

"Hah- sad?..Thanks!" Kenny set the plate aside to get out a water bottle. He squeezed all the water into his mouth and drank it.

"What are we doing?" Kenny asked taking a bite with his fork.

"We're going to a restaurant, around 7- I believe."

"Mhm? What restaurant? This cake is really nice by the way."

Chunkz stood proud of his creation, "thanks Ken!"

Kenny always recognized the great lengths and work people go through to make him happy.

"You'll see." Sharky rubbed his hands together.


"You know it." Sharky winked back.

They arrived to their reserved and fancy restaurant. After they finished their 3 course dinner, Aj was tempted to ask them to sing happy birthday, but he held the urge because knew he would be embarrassed for Kenny.

In the car they brought small cupcakes- one mini sweet dessert wouldn't hurt.

Kenny licked the frosting off, enjoying every bite of the sweet treat, "I love you guys. Oh my days."

"Are they good?" Aj inquired, out of the group they had the biggest sweet tooth. He reached back for one and ate it in two bites, "holy shit-! Give me more!"

They all fought over the last cupcake- shrieks of laughter filled the car.

They finally arrived at their club. The real party was about to start.

They gathered many friends to help get the party going. They had bought a club just for this event.

Lots of dancing, videos, the vibes, and music was amazing.

Kenny was absolutely knackered, he felt his eye lids droop many times during their celebration.

Kenny snuggled against a pillow on a couch, "thanks for the celebration."

"Yeah you're pushing 30s old man." Niko nudged his arm out of the way..

"Shut the hell up." Kenny sarcastically said and rolled his eyes. He yawned, "mm I'm going to take a small nap if you lot don't mind. You can do whatever."

Lucky their home was only 5 minutes away.



15 minutes later the party died down and many of the people left. Kenny's snore were the only thing that kept the room from silence. Niko moved closer to hug him.

"I think he fell asleep." Niko murmured as he continued patting his back against his own chest.

"It's only 8:00...!" Sharky sulked.

"Shut up- shush. He's tired and he still had fun. I think- I hope at least." Chunkz shushed Sharky for his slight arrogance.


"Yeah I heard him getting ready for camp. Honestly I can't imagine being able to do that in the morning." Aj said, "I just stay in my bed with my phone for like an hour."

Their conversations and noise cluttered the room, and Niko gently caressed his arm, carrying him to his private room. They gathered up to take a picture for their instagram and captioned it: "happy 27th. our brotha ❤️"to their Kenny.

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