In the Rain (Niko x Kenny)

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Kenny finally finished shopping. He didn't expect it to take that long, but the stores were extremely crowded.

Now he stood in the rain, the bags of groceries were protected. He wasn't.

Kenny had already walked too far to return back to the store.

Kenny had his hood on- but his hoodie was in, any way, waterproof.

It was absolutely drenched. Kenny took out his phone.

Everyone was busy with their own stuff- so he decided to text Niko.

Niko was always the only person who could and would pick him up, no matter what.

[ niko 😏 ] >

I know it srandom but
can u pick me up?
it's raining asf
I'm getting soaked

where are u

I'll send location

you're always wet
for me

bruh tf???

yeh I'll go 😄😄

it shouldn't take long
it says barely any traffic

alright thanks niko
appreciate it bro😭

Kenny wiped away the water droplets on his screen. The water leaving residue, he covered his phone.

The parking lot was full, yet it had a disturbing peacefulness.



He got a notification from Niko, he had said there was a bit of traffic and it would take a couple minutes longer.

He dropped his bags to reply.

[ niko 😏 ] >

brotha r u fucking kidding

yeah that's what I said

maybe about 5-10 mins longer

I might as well go back into the shops
now I look like a dumbass☹️

now I look like a dumbass☹️
⏎ reply- you're alr one ❤️

Kenny hearted 'you're alr one ❤️'


"...oh- my days....Nikoooooo!!!" Kenny groaned as he looked up. He prepared to walk back.

Suddenly a man tapped Kenny on his shoulders, he was wearing a black coat, a mask, and his hair covered his eyes. He was holding an umbrella.

Kenny turned around, startled as he raised his left wrist. The stranger's hand easily wrapped his fingers around it.

"H-huh? Hi?"

He let go.

The taller man guided the umbrella to his hand. Now in the pouring rain- his curly hair, like Aj's, bounced in the rainfall.


"For me? Are you sure? Wha-?" Once Kenny grabbed the black umbrella, the man slowly set off- pulling up his hood and walking away mysteriously.

"What...." Kenny murmured under his breath, "uh- thank you!" He said much louder.

Kenny shivered, his hoodie- clothes still drenched with water.

At least he got protection from the rain.

'Who was that?...the hell?'

He watched as the man walked into the darkness of the night. He felt a heat rise on his face, he stood under his new umbrella.

He re-imagined the man, about 6'5- maybe 6'7? His face was covered. He had good style...

'..Random as fuck..'

He chuckled to himself.

Finally, Niko arrived.

[ niko 😏 ] >

black SUV?

yup i see you
I'm driving closer wait
read 11:23

Kenny ran over to the car- thankful for the ride.

Niko started conversation as Kenny placed the bags in the trunk.

"Wait I thought you didn't have an umbrella?"

"Oh! Oh-"


Kenny blushed and smiled, "Well- there was this man in a black coat-"

"You could've got kidnapped."

"No! He was kind enough to give me an umbrella.." he got it the car, placing the umbrella at the backseat.


"Why are you acting like that?"

"Like what?" He fidgeted with his fingers in the passenger seat. They finally drove out.

"Like that- you're acting like a school girl, like you just got a crush!"

Kenny didn't respond.

"Have you seriously developed a crush on him?" Niko gasped at the realization, "...Kennyy.."

"..what? He was nice...and tall...and mysterious.."

"Is that really all it takes?"

"Well- no! Why are you acting like it's a bad thing..?" His voice croaked.


"Well- I just want to protect you!- y'know?"

"...yeah yeah. I'm capable of handling my own problems."

They stopped at a red light.

"..sure..." Niko looked down.

He grinned, kicking the curly hair wig and wet black raincoat near his feet.

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