Confession (Niko x Kenny)

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(Niko) (Kenny)

my soulmate ❤️🇳🇬 >

Today 2:09 P.M
hey kenny

yoo nikkooo!!!❤️
can u hang out today????
I need to tell you something.

             after rec? sure
is smth wrong tho.?
nah I'll just tell you after we
get the vid 👍

it's not that important

alr alr cya soon love u🥰
Read 2/14/24

Niko and Kenny always hang out. They love each other, they really do. Kenny didn't assume Niko asking him out for a 'date,' as they would call it, would be the start of something new.

"Ken, you ready?"

Kenny looked confusedly at him, "Huh? Ready for what?"

"Kenny, you idiot!- we were going to talk, remember? I texted you this morning about it.."

"Oh right, sorry Niko. Heh."

Kenny grabbed his jacket from the table and put it on then he followed Niko outside.

Niko shouted out to the boys inside, "We'll be right back!"


"So what's up?"

"Um. I don't know if I should say it here.." Niko sheepishly replied.

Worried- Kenny recommended they could go into his car for more privacy.

Kenny got in the drivers seat and Niko got in the passenger seat in the front.

Niko took a deep breath in and rapidly spoke, "alright so Kenny. Recently I've felt like I haven't been at my best and I've been trying to fake my feelings to avoid problems. But I just can't bottle it in anymore. Ever since I met you you've lit a flame in my heart and no matter what I can do I just can't put it out nor can I stop thinking about you. I think it's been a little obvious to the others but you really seem clueless. I don't know if it's on purpose because you don't feel the same way-but of course if you don't feel that way I'll accept it and hopefully our friendship would go back to normal. But uh- I love you Kenny. More than a friend ever could."

Taken aback by the sudden amount of words- that he couldn't really process- his brain blanked out as he was trying to find the words to explain: 'I'm stupid and I did not hear anything.'

"Sorry? I- You- Can you say it slower?....please?" His voice went a little higher pitch when he said 'please.'

"Kenny-.....I basically just said I love you. And I've been in love but I didn't realize it until now, you understood yeah?"

'Oh shit.' Kenny thought.

His face burned up and his heart started racing.

"Are you being serious?"

Kenny looked at him, his face was sad, confused, and relieved all at the same time.

"Say Wallahi you're not joking." Kenny needed to confirm Niko's confession was real.

"Wallahi- but we both aren't even Muslim- you know-"

Niko's words were cut off by Kenny leaning forward and in and kissing him on the lips.

Niko had been craving this touch for a long time- his hand was gently pressed against Kenny's chin, he longed for more. And more. And more. And more. Even until he couldn't breathe.

Meanwhile Kenny could die with how happy and excited he was. He wouldn't mind if he died right now- inhaling Niko's oxygen and getting choked by his love.

Obviously, someone had to pull away and that person was Niko.

As happy as they both were right now, they had to sort their situation out.

"I- love you too Niko..." His smile lighting up across his face.

Niko sighed in relief, his feelings- thoughts- and emotions were all solved by this one man, Kenny.

"I love you too," he replied, emphasizing every word.

"So- are- are we dating now?"

"Only if you want to be."

It was obvious that the biggest menace, Niko Omilana, was nervous about one tiny confession of love.

"Oh my days! That's the most stupidest thing you've ever said. Of course I would wanna be in a relationship with you, you're my Niko."


"And you're my love."

"I love you more darling. Really."

"If- if you don't mind me asking, have you also been feeling this way for a while?" Niko was now lovingly looking in his eyes.

"...I really do think so...I have been waking up everyday and hoping that we would talk. In the studio- outside of filming- whatever, I've always loved and craved being with you." Kenny was now fidgeting with this fingers.

"I don't want to get sappy y'know?...but a friendship of a now turning into something else, something more!" Kenny was cherishing every moment in the car with Niko- quickly inhaling to get more of his air in his body, to feel his presence even more.



Silence in the car, they were both breathing and Kenny swore he could hear his heartbeat loud.

"Haha....get pranked!"

Kenny didn't flinch at those words, "Shut the fuck up you joke man." He was grinning while looking straight ahead.

Niko chuckled at his response. Those were his real feelings, not some prank he planned out. He only said it to fill in the silence.

'I guess Kenny is as deep in this as I am.'

Niko was thankful for the successful confession.

And even more thankful for his new lover.

Kenny couldn't stop shaking his leg, fidgeting with his hands, fingers, legs, body. He kept stealing shy glances at his darling, his boyfriend.

"Oh! And happy Valentine's Day!-"

"Oh my goodness- you confessed on Valentine's! No wonder it was so random!!"

Kenny and Niko's laughter mixed together, creating a moment they'd both know they'll never forget.

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