Sweet Tooth (Aj x Kenny)

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"How come every time I see Kenny, he's sucking on a loli?" Chunkz questioned while mumbling to Aj.

Aj shrugged his shoulders, "...I don't know- what flavor do you think he likes?"

"Umm..." Chunkz scratched his chin, "probably... strawberry? I wouldn't know."

"You can't go wrong with strawberry..he probably likes cherry. Or maybe blue raspberry- or! Or green apple."

"What are you? A sweets connoisseur?" Chunkz stretched and got up from the couch as Kenny sat down.


"What flavor?"

"Hm?" Kenny was surprised by the sudden question.

"What flavor is your favorite sweet?"

"You already know this," he rolled his eyes playfully, "I like green apple," he took the lollipop out and revealed the green fruity candy. "What about you?"

"Blue raspberry."

"Yeah I already knew that."

A comfortable silence followed. Aj shyly smiled at the taller man.


When Beta Squad first started and met, Aj and Kenny didn't talk to each other much. When Kenny first attempted to talk their only conversations they had were about candy and their huge sweet tooth. They bonded together over the simplest details of their favorite flavors.

Actually, Aj was always the one who always bought Kenny's cake because he knew all about Kenny's preferences.

"What does Aj like? What does Kenny like?" The rest of Beta Squad repeatedly asked them.

It was carved into their minds- it roamed their mind whenever they went shopping.

'Ooh! Kenny would love this.'

'Aj..Aj Aj, would he want this one or that one...?'

It was their love language of buying each other treats. It was all they knew about each other- other facts didn't matter and exist to them.

They were practically clueless with each other's lives.

They liked it that way, they were best friends bonding over little candies who had no idea about what school the other had gone to.

Aj doesn't even know Kenny's birthday.

But he doesn't know anyone's anyways.


Kenny had said he was craving s'mores one day. So Aj went shopping to create the best s'more.

He brought back graham crackers, marshmallows, and a chocolate bar. They nibbled on the graham crackers together.

"You look like a fucking rat."

"Shut the hell up you bit-"

"A cute one though," he interrupted, winking before Aj chased him around the kitchen, flustered.

Aj slowed down out of breath, "Don't call me cute....I'm not cute. I'm- I'm handsome!"

"Sure sure.." he muttered to himself, "you are cute.." Kenny bit the inside of his mouth.

".....thanks.." Aj hid behind his sleeve, "okay! Anyways let's make this!"

"Oh yeah."

Kenny opened the package of marshmallows, grabbing one but getting slapped on the wrist by Aj- falling off the counter and onto the floor.

"Ow!" Kenny hissed and pouted.

Aj sniffled and grabbed another marshmallow and put it in front of Kenny's mouth, motioning him to eat it.

Kenny raised one eyebrow before crouching to bite off half of the marshmallow. Aj ate the other half.

"I haven't made s'mores in forever."

"Same. It's really easy though. Like actually."

Kenny sneakily grabbed another marshmallow, munching on it while assembling his snack.

"Catch!" Kenny threw a marshmallow.

Aj backed up to catch it with his mouth. He raised his hands and celebrated when he succeeded.



"This one's yours, yeah?" Aj chewed while he was talking- he pointed to Kenny's paper plate.

Kenny nodded bringing the plates to the microwave to quickly heat up the s'more.

"Now we wait for 15 seconds."


"Tag!" Aj gently shoved Kenny with his two hands.

"What? Hey! Unfair!"

Aj ran up and Kenny chased him around the house. Aj was giggling when Kenny caught him, and started tickling him, "ehehe! S-stop! Ah- you motherfuc-!" Kenny carried him downstairs to the beeping sound.

"It's done!" Kenny dropped Aj on the floor- Aj landed on the floor on his ass.


Kenny gasped, "sorry Aj!" He pulled him up from the ground, "Look look! Our s'mores look good!"

"What the hell happened- why is it so big?" He observed the marshmallow.

"That's what she said." Kenny snickered.




Kenny and Aj ate their s'mores at their living room, scrolling through YouTube shorts on the TV.

"Hey- thanks for helping me Aj."

"Yeah yeah," Aj acted tough but his face became covered in endearing love, "no problem."

"You're so sweet."

"Okay never mind!" He shook his head in disapproval, "..horror pun by the way." He brought his own plate to his room.

Kenny stayed behind smiling like an idiot.

He may not hang out with Aj a lot, but when he does he always creates small fun and great memories.

Kenny laughed to himself, "shit...I love that man too much.."

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