No Grudges (Aj x Kenny)

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"'re so cute, Aj." He said so quietly and casually.

"Huh? Pause."

Kenny froze up, "What? No- I- I don't know what you heard b-but, I said I wish you were mute. Fuck you." He swiftly stuttered out his words.

Aj looked confused with the sudden change of tone. "Ouch that hurt baby- woah, WOAH.. I meant Kenny."

Well now this, this is awkward.


Kenny doesn't remember when he started stuttering more when he sees Aj. It's a new feeling.

And Kenny doesn't like it one bit.

With this newly found emotion, Kenny now tries to avoid being alone with Aj- just to not make it awkward.

"Hey Kenn-"

Kenny just walked by, head down attached to his phone. He had definitely heard him.

"..oh well fuck you too then." Aj pouted and continued on chatting with Niko.

Niko tilted his head, "did you do something to piss him off? Why is he acting like that?"

"I don't fucking know! I didn't do anything- I swear." Aj defended himself. "Honestly, whatever is wrong with him is not my problem. I know it possibly can't involve me- or anything I did. Because I didn't do shit!"

"Oh-kay Aj. Chill out. I'm sure he means no harm."

Aj huffed. "He sure is acting like a bitch right now."

"Awh. Maybe he's just got a lot on his mind. I'll talk to him later."

"...well- he won't speak a word to me, so I don't think you'll get anywhere."

"Maybe it's different," Niko shrugged and raised his eyebrows.

He muttered under his breath, "I sure hope it isn't. Honestly why would he be mad at me?" Aj sighed and resumed their previous conversation.


"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." Kenny panicked. "Was that too much? He knows I was trying to ignore him. I didn't want it to turn out this way. FUCK!" He looked around in the small bathroom. He took deep breaths and began to wash his hands.

Wash the filth away.

"Why am I like this.. fucking embarrassing. I'm not in middle school. Why am I acting like a fucking child??Ugh, fuck this silly little crush. If I want to get over it I have to talk to him."

Kenny opened the door and flinched back.

"..what the hell? Why are you so close?"

"Well hello to you too. Kenny- you feeling okay?" Niko questioned.

"Huh? Why? Did you hear me in there?"

"What? No. The bathroom has soundproof walls, idiot." Niko retorted back at the stupid question.

Kenny's face contorted. "Okay yeah, what do you want."

"What happened between you and Aj?"

"I don't know..nothing..? Why? Is he angry at me?"

"No, we thought you were angry at him."

"Oh. I'm not. I just- I just needed to use the toilet really quickly."

Niko smiled, "oh okay. Make sure to make it up to Aj. He holds a lot of grudges, y'know. He thought you were angry, angry at him."

"Hah. Oops.. Yeah I'll go talk to him right now."

"Okay good, I need to wash my hands."

"See you later then."


Kenny snuck behind Aj, "uh- Aj!!"

"WAH!- you scared the living shit out of me.." Aj turned around to see an apologetic Kenny.

"Hey Aj. Been a while, huh?"

Aj crossed his arms. "You crawling back already? That's pathetic."

"I'm not crawling back.. I just came to say sorry, I guess."

"..and sorry for what?"

"I guess I've been ignor-"

Aj broke his serious act, "alright alright, I fucking forgive you. I always will!" He said joyfully. "You're lucky you apologized today."

"Yeah, thankfully," Kenny smiled in relief.


Kenny's ears tuned back into the conversation, "oh yeah. Kinda weird, but Aj accepted my apology right away."

"Really?" Sharky gasped.


Sharky turned to Chunkz and whispered something in his ear. Kenny got slightly agitated.

"What? What's up?"

"Nothing Kenny," they snickered, "keep being oblivious.." they mumbled.



It was the weirdest feeling. Kenny finally realized. Kenny finally could confess, because he knew the truth.


"Aj. I have something to confess."

"Yeah?" Aj took a sip of his drink.

"I like you, like- I like like you."

He spat out his drink, eyes blown. "Don't- don't do that to yourself.."


"..I mean it in the best way possible but.. Kenny? Are you joking?"

"No. I mean it. Ignore this if you don't feel the same, but I have a feeling you do.."

"Oh- oh. I'm flattered..."

Kenny scratched his neck. Unsure of his reaction or response.


Aj continued, "um. I don't know how to say it, but- if you want to.. uh- come kiss me..?"

"..oh my days thank the lord...I'll gladly to that..!" Kenny felt himself melt in relief as he walked toward the shorter man, closing the distance between their tender and soft love.

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