On The Way

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In the grand megapolis of Berry Big City, Black Licorice is in the dressing room of his official studio, getting ready for the pilot of his new show, "Licorice's 'Lebrity Lifestyles". He is practicing in the mirror, as he tends to do before he gets in front of a camera.

Black Licorice: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, to Licorice's 'Lebrity Lifestyles! Where each scoop is just as fresh as the first!

He groans immediately after.

Black Licorice: Ugh... C'mon, Licorice, what is this, improv class? From the top...

Before he can try again, he gets a frantic knocking on his door.

Black Licorice: Come in.

The roach from way back when, the one who was smuggling flour, scrambles inside the dressing room wearing headphones. Black Licorice gave the roach the job as his assistant manager, after the unfair treatment he was given, and the roach did not hesitate to accept.

Roach: Boss, we got a major problem! Watermelon returned from her vacation!

Black Licorice scoffs at the mention of her name.

Black Licorice: That IS a problem...

Roach: On a stretcher!

Black Licorice's eyes widen and he cannot hide his shock.

Black Licorice: Where is she?


Black Licorice barges into the Berry Big City hospital and storms to the front desk.

Black Licorice: I'm here for Watermelon Gelato.

The receptionist looks up at Licorice and has a snooty attitude.

Receptionist: Are you a relative or close friend?

Black Licorice: Hardly.

Receptionist: {scoffs} Then you are not allowed to pass through.

Black Licorice sees a patients' list in the receptionist's hands and he snatches it away.

Receptionist: Hey! I'll have to call security!

Black Licorice: No you won't.

Black Licorice walks away and the receptionist gulps in fear as she sees the two security guards being restrained by Black Licorice's men. He finds Watermelon's room and before he walks in, he adjusts himself in the mirror... before realizing what he's doing and shakes his head. Black Licorice clears his throat as he turns the doorknob and creaks the door open. He slithers his way inside and keeps his head down until he reaches the foot of her bed. Black Licorice gains the courage to look up at her, giving him a look of annoyance.

Watermelon: Of course...

Black Licorice: You know what, I have every right to relish this moment... but I'm not going to...

Watermelon: Last time I checked, you ain't my relative... and you ain't a close friend... so take your pity and beat it...

Black Licorice: Oh, yeah, you're definitely livin' the life now, aren't you...? One moment, you're lyin' in a hammock sippin' coladas, and the next you're in a hospital bed sippin' down soup...

Watermelon clenches her fists and growls, but she can't do anything else.

Watermelon: Well, it ain't easy to walk it off when I'm PARALYZED from the waist down!

He stops. He looks up at her again, this time, with a face of concern.

Black Licorice: Paralyzed? What do you mean, paralyzed?

Watermelon sighs and caresses her leg.

Watermelon: It's stupid... This storm just came outta nowhere 'n did me dirty... 

Black Licorice: Everyone's been talkin' about this storm... I didn't believe it... I mean, a single storm taking out an entire resort? 

Watermelon: I can tell ya, it's real. 

She clears her throat.

Watermelon: So! Now that we've had this lovely interaction, pick yourself up and beat it.

Black Licorice: {rolls his eyes} Look, I know it's not easy bein' paralyzed, but-

Watermelon: Don't you try to relate to me! I don't need ya here! In fact, you're the last person in this city I could've asked for!

Black Licorice: What is your problem?! I came here because I was worried, okay?! Is that what you wanted to hear?!

Watermelon: Oh, so me gettin' railed by a storm is what gets you to care!

Black Licorice starts to realize what Watermelon is so furious about. 

Black Licorice: Are you kidding me?

Watermelon: Just don't talk to me...

She turns away from him and crosses her arms.

Black Licorice: It was a long time ago. I wasn't in a good place then, but I've changed.

Watemelon: It's too late for excuses, you imbicile...

Black Licorice: It's not an excuse. It's the truth.

Watermelon: You think that's gonna change anything at this point? There ain't no way we're goin' back to what we used to be.

Black Licorice: I wanna agree with you. 

He smirks to himself.

Black Licorice: But you don't wanna agree with yourself...

Watermelon scoffs and looks directly at him. 

Watermelon: Oh, you think you got me figured out, huh?

Black Licorice: Just about.

Watermelon: It's too late, Licorice. 

Watermelon gestures to her body.

Watermelon: You had it and you lost it.

Black Licorice chuckles to himself as he reaches inside his trenchcoat and places a little gift on her nightstand. 

Black Licorice: I don't lose...

Watermelon is speechless when she sees the gift, but she tries not to care.

Watermelon: Whatever... I'm exhausted from you and this conversation so please get lost...

She leans back in her hospital bed and plants her face against the pillow, blocking out the world. Black Licorice gazes upon her with a little grin as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. As Watermelon hears his footsteps getting quieter, she leans over and takes the gift. She holds it tightly in her grasp, not wanting to let it go. 

Watermelon: {sighs} You make it so much harder to hate you...

She says to the worn-down, discolored, stuffed watermelon plushie. 


Black Licorice and the roach have boarded a black news van and they are ready to head out into the world, to shoot the pilot of Licorice's 'Lebrity Lifestyles.

Black Licorice: Is the camera good?

The roach nods.

Roach: It's rollin', boss.

Black Licorice: Good. We need to make this pilot count. This can't be some lame program people put in the background while they're makin' dinner. 

Roach: Absolutely. Uh, quick question, who are we doing the pilot on? 

Black Licorice: Who else? The only pop star I know.

He gives a soft smile as he pulls up Cherry's picture on his phone. 

Roach: Oh, yeah, Berry Bitty City's a long way away. We better get a move on if we're gonna be there BEFORE winter.

The roach chuckles at his joke as he slips into the driver's seat. 

Black Licorice: Then let's roll out.

And indeed, they pull out of the news station and ride along the highway. The sun is shining down on them and buildings slowly begin to decrease in numbers as they get closer and closer to the outskirts of Berry Big City. The radio is blasting some jazz, Black Licorice's favorite genre, and he has his head back as he stares out the passenger window.

Black Licorice: You know, I've always wondered why our whole world is based on fruit...

Roach: Yeah, that is pretty strange, boss...

Black Licorice: Our God must've had a thing for fruit, I guess-

A small figure crashes through the windshield, causing the roach to JERK on the steering wheel and-


The van smashes straight into a ditch, causing Black Licorice to fling out of his seat. He SLAMS his body against the dashboard and shouts in pain.

Black Licorice: DAMN!

He turns to the roach.

Black Licorice: Are you oka- GOD!

The roach is gone. The roach has disappeared. In the driver's seat, is a small, stubby, snarling creature composed of thorns and darkness. 

Creature: Ragh!

Black Licorice: What the-?! 

He tries to move but he can't. He tries to do anything, but his eyes are glued to this monster. Black Licorice sees a nametag around the creature's neck: THISTLE

Black Licorice: Thistle...?

The creature's glaring red eyes brighten at the sound of its name and leaps into Black Licorice's lap. Black Licorice is too stunned to pick this creature off.

Black Licorice: Wh-what... do you want from me...?

The creature points to the video camera resting in the back of the van. 

Thistle: Video...

Black Licorice: Video? What, you wanna be in a video?

Thistle shakes its head and goes over to the camera, holding it like a cameraman.

Thistle: Thistle... help... make video...

Black Licorice: You wanna be my new camera guy?

Thistle nods.

Thistle: Go... to... there...

Thistle points to the GPS system embedded in the news van that shows the direction to Berry Bitty City.

Black Licorice: Oh... You wanna go there?

Thistle nods.

Thistle: Yes... 

Black Licorice: Well, seeing as how you took out my ORIGINAL camera guy, I don't have much of a choice, do I?

Thistle shrugs.

Black Licorice: Okay, but first, let's get this van outta this ditch.

He starts to get out of the van and points at Thistle.

Black Licorice: You're helpin'!

Thistle groans in displeasure as he drags his talons out of the van.



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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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