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It's currently half past eight in the evening and I'm in bed, texting with Raspberry and Lemon about today's incident on the Berry Best Bits app. We have our own little group chat that we use during this time of night. And I don't think I need to explain how terrible of a typer Raspberry is, because...

Razzii - totally like orange just needs to chill kwim!!!

Oh, I have her in my contacts as Razzii, and Lemon as Lemonada. Don't question it.

Lemonada - Yeah but it's good that we were there to help her in the end

Razzii - ik...


I am so tempted to tell her to turn on autocorrect, but she never listens when I tell her, so it's pointless to even try.

Me - And what did you remember, Razzie?

Razzii - how long have orange and plum been together

Lemonada - Almost over a year I think

Me - What about it?

Razzii - they should totally have an anaversery

Oh my gosh...

Me - Oh, good point. But they don't seem like the couple to do that sort of thing.

Lemonada - Oh thats true.

Razzii - hey dom...

Me - Yes?

Razzii - we should have one too...

Lemonada - Ooh totally! You've been together for a WHILE now!

I cringe to myself at the fact Lemon was the one to point it out. I sigh, however, and suck it up.

Me - I suck when it comes to planning that sort of thing... In case you didn't know, I'm not romantic in the slightest.

Razzii - it doesnt matter as long as its wit u <3 <3

Lemonada - Awwwww! Wait did I just become a third wheel lol?

Razzii - lol

Me - It's cool. I can't believe we never had an anniversary though

Razzii - ik!

Me - Oh, maybe we could have it at the marketplace?

Razzii - yaaaaaaaa its perfect!!!!! see your romantic after all

Me - Hey, Raspberry...

Razzii - ya


Lemonada - LOL

Razzii - hmph yall r mean

Lemonada - Alright I'm going to bed. I'll need my rest for tomorrow.

Razzii - oh me too

Me - Okay girls, good night.

Lemonada - Night!

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