Licorice, Black

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The night was a success!

I mean, of course you know that, but having been able to play on stage, with my friends...

It's a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything.

After the event, the girls are talking with each other, congratulating themselves on the fantastic jobs they did. I'm off to the side, arms crossed, watching them, especially Cherry.

I think about the impact I had on her. Even though she's a world famous popstar, I gave her the one thing she didn't have.


Now, she's smiling wider than I've ever seen her.

But my smile soon fades as I think about Black Licorice. I haven't seen him around, and I'm worried.

I know it's crazy to think this way about him, but... he is Cherry's caretaker, and a human being. Even if he doesn't like me, I can't say the same for him, now. I had forgotten that hatred isn't the Berry Bitty City way. I only hope I can find him and make amends.

Cherry and Strawberry are giggling to each other as they walk up to me, with their guitars around their necks.

Cherry: And here's the Singing Coconut himself!

Strawberry: (giggles) What are you doing here all alone?

Me: Have either of you seen Black Licorice?

Both shake their heads.

Cherry: I haven't. A-and now that you mention it, I don't see him anywhere.

That makes Cherry feel nervous.

Cherry: W-we didn't exactly end on good terms. I hope he didn't, you know, leave. I can't go anywhere without him.

Strawberry: I'm sure he's around. I'll tell the others to start searching.

Cherry: Thanks, Strawberry.

Me: Well, I'm going to my clinic. I've had enough fun for one night.

Strawberry: And it is getting rather late. We should be wrapping up the event soon.

Me: (to Cherry) I'll keep an eye out too, okay?

Cherry nods.

Cherry: Mm-hm.


I have my head low as I approach my clinic. The main focus I have is to make things right with Black Licorice. Even if he won't accept my apology, I need to get it off my chest. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel better about it.

Even so, I wonder why Black Licorice is the way he is. I don't think he's straight up evil. Maybe he's been so used to the city life that he's confused about being somewhere new. Maybe he's just a jerk because it's his personality and I shouldn't take his teasing too seriously. Whatever the case, I know it's not his fault.

Then, I look up.

I stop.

My clinic door is open.

I could have sworn I locked it.

But when I get a closer look, I realize my doorknob is laying on the ground, smashed and battered. I look at my door again and come to a conclusion.

My heart starts thumping as I think about going back to the marketplace for help. But I think about it. What's the worst that could happen? We're talking about Strawberry Shortcake here. So I put on a brave face and enter my clinic.

I freeze as I see, sitting at my patient area, Black Licorice.

He's just lounging there amidst the darkness, with his cane in one hand and a stick of licorice dangling from his mouth.

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