Anything Is Possible

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It's still the night before the grand opening, and I'm still on my Berry Best Bits page.

I don't know...

I guess I'm waiting for Cherry to message me. But why would she? After all, what happened last night was just... random.

Then I think about it. We hit it off well. She doesn't think of me as a weirdo, much less a creep. We're cool.

Yes. I'm cool with a world famous pop star.

I smile at that thought as I open the chat.

Me - Hellooo Cherry!

I press send.

I don't see her texting back.

I start to get worried. She would usually respond right away. Maybe she's currently at some huge party. Popstars do that sort of thing. In any case, I decide to keep messaging her.

Me - Is everything okay?

I press send.

I don't see her texting back.

I sigh and just put down my phone. She's probably busy. There's no need to pester her with a string of messages.


I instantly pick up my phone and see that Cherry, in fact, did message back.

xxCherryJamxx - hey

Me - Hi... U good...?


It takes a while for Cherry to respond.

But I'm patient.

xxCherryJamxx - :(


Me - Oh no... What's the reason behind the frowny face...?

xxCherryJamxx - i hate my life thats what

Me - What's wrong? You can tell me.

xxCherryJamxx - you probably think being a popstar like me is cool right

Me - Isn't it?

xxCherryJamxx - NO!!!

Me - Whoa! Okay... You seem really pissed! Can you tell me what happened???


It seems like Cherry is typing a huge block of text.

xxCherryJamxx -  i can't do anything by myself anymore!!! i always have an entourage following me all the time! Its nice dont get me wrong but i just want some alone time!

Me - Is it that bad?


Oh God...

Me - Oh Cherry... I am so sorry... I had no idea it was THAT bad... Are you okay now?


xxCherryJamxx - yeah... thx...

Me - What happened to the guy tho?

xxCherryJamxx - lol I kicked him in the bad place


xxCherryJamxx - Sorry if my typing is bad by the way. I'm just so furious I can't think.

Me - It's okay.

xxCherryJamxx - Enough about me. How was your day?

Me - We finished building this marketplace.

xxCherryJamxx - Ik. I saw your post.

Me - We're having a grand opening tomorrow.

xxCherryJamxx - Ooh, sounds like fun!

Me - You know what would be really fun? If you could sing at the grand opening.


xxCherryJamxx - For real?

Me - Yeah.

xxCherryJamxx - I don't know...

Me - What's wrong?

xxCherryJamxx - I'm not sure how my schedule is gonna look for tomorrow... I certainly don't know if I can plan a whole trip... 

Me - I get it... But it'd be so amazing for everyone here.

xxCherryJamxx - I know... I'm honored you want me to sing for your grand opening... And I really want to see Berry Bitty City in person...

Me - Then why don't you?

xxCherryJamxx - I told you, I don't know how that would work...

Me - Hmm... That's strange.

xxCherryJamxx - What?

Me - I just listened to your new song today, Anything is Possible?

xxCherryJamxx - Oh, cool! What did you think?

Me - I think... You're a liar.

xxCherryJamxx - Excuse me?

Me - You said anything is possible, but you don't think it's possible for you to come here and sing.

xxCherryJamxx - Seriously? You're gonna gaslight me like that?

Me - Yes.

xxCherryJamxx - Look, I want to go okay?? But my managers won't let me!

Me - And do you always do whatever they say?

xxCherryJamxx - I have to!

Me - Cherry...

xxCherryJamxx - I'm so sorry...

Me - Just come. If you get in trouble with your managers, I'll take the blame for it.


xxCherryJamxx - They'll arrest you for kidnapping.

Me - And that's a risk I'm willing to take for my friends' happiness.


xxCherryJamxx - Really?

Me - Yes.


xxCherryJamxx - Okay...

Me - Seriously?

xxCherryJamxx - I won't make any promises tho. But yes.

Me - Thank you so much. :)

xxCherryJamxx - :)

xxCherryJamxx - I'm gonna try my best to come.

Me - That's all I ask for. Thx.

xxCherryJamxx - Yw!

xxCherryJamxx - One question: How much are u charging?

Me - Nothing.

xxCherryJamxx - Rly?

Me - Yeah. I hope this doesn't change your mind. We're not made of money. This is a Bitty city after all.

xxCherryJamxx - That's okay. I'm jealous that you live such a simple and peaceful life.  I want that sooo much.

Me - Who knows? Maybe you'll get it, if you wish hard enough.

xxCherryJamxx - Mm-hm. Wishes do come true.

Me - All the time.

xxCherryJamxx - Alright I gotta go to sleep now. I've been out all day.

Me - Same. Night Cherry.

xxCherryJamxx - Night-night.

xxCherryJamxx - 😴

I smile at that emote. I'm also curious as to whether Cherry will actually show up now. I hope I didn't ruin anything by asking her to show up. In the show, Cherry came to Berry Bitty City anyway. So what now?

I have no idea...



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