Room At The Top?

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Strawberry and I are the first to arrive at the construction for the marketplace, and the Berrykins are BUSY. When they work together, they can plow through any job.

Berrykin Bill: When you're done there, get over to that sidewall!

And Berrykin Bill is in charge of this operation, so we know to report to him for anything.

Strawberry: Good morning, Berrykin Bill.

Me: What's up?

Berrykin Bill: Good mornin', you two, and a berry beautiful one it is!

We go across the pink tape onto the jobsite where we see the Berrykins have already layered the foundation with cement.

Me: Looks like the Berrykins are kicking it into high gear. I'd say we should have this done in no time flat.

Strawberry: I couldn't agree more! This is going to be wonderful!

Then, Berrykin Bloom just races through, worrying about his fast-growing crops.

Berrykin Bloom: I just hope it's quick! Remember, two weeks! Two weeks! My next crop of Berry Bitty produce will be ready to harvest in two weeks! This marketplace has to go up! Or there won't be anywhere to put my peaches! Lay out my lemons! Keep my carrots!

I kneel down and stop him from going even further.

Me: Listen, Bloom, I promised we'd get this marketplace done, didn't I? And when I make a promise, I always see it through. It'll be okay.

He sighs.

Berrykin Bloom: Thank you, my child... I do apologize for my outburst... (smiles) Of course, I have my faith in you.

Me: You do want a place to contain your coconuts, after all.

Berrykin Bloom chuckles.

Berrykin Bloom: Or calibrate my cabbages. Indeed.

Strawberry: Also, I worked out a schedule, so we can each maintain our own responsibilities.

She lays the schedule out on a workbench for us to see.

Me: Ooh, Strawberry, always ahead of the game! I didn't even think of a schedule!

Strawberry giggles.

Strawberry: If we follow this, we'll be done in two weeks.

Berrykin Bill: Sure, we can do that no problem!

Strawberry: Don't worry, Berrykin Bloom. We'll be ready when you are.

Berrykin Bloom: Oh, thank you, all.

Me: (to the Berrykins) So, you all have your materials, ready for the job?

Berrykin Bill: Well, I could use those designs for your apartment on the second floor, Strawberry.

Strawberry: Oh, I'll get to those today.

Berrykin Bill: And maybe we could use some extra hands to help put up the frame this afternoon?

Strawberry: Hm, I'll round up the girls. See if they can spare a couple hours after lunch.

Me: Oh, yeah, no doubt.

Strawberry and I speed away, to gather the crew.


Strawberry and I split up as soon as we enter Berry Bitty City. I know the girls aren't in their stores right now. They're all hiding, just to surprise Strawberry later on.

Me: Hey...! Where'd ya guys go...?

Then, I see Raspberry behind her boutique and she motions for me to come to her, and I do.

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