That Night

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The recital was cancelled. Everyone was too depressed to perform.

Cherry and Black Licorice are going back to Berry Big City the next morning.

I haven't left my clinic after my horrible mistake. There is no amount of shame in the world that can match how I feel. So much so, that I won't even be there tomorrow to see Cherry off. That's because I'm packing up.

No, don't worry, I'm not leaving Berry Bitty City. I'm simply taking a break by going somewhere I'll feel wanted. At this moment, I'm sure none of the girls want anything to do with me. No one has stopped by the clinic. Not even a patient. Not even Raspberry.

It's understandable, calling her and... everyone else a dumb broad.

And the worst of it, I know Black Licorice is bathing in my misery. Now, he'll go back home, leaving everyone to believe he was ever a decent person. No one will ever know the monster he always has been.

With that, I zip my backpack up and turn the lights off as I stand by the door.

I'm anxious. I'm too anxious to even open my own door. Because who knows what awaits me on the other side? I shake my head, growl, and throw it open.

Nothing there except the night.

I head out, close the door behind me, and get on my motorcycle.

(?): D-D-Dom...


Hearing her trembling voice sends tears down my face as I grip the handlebars. I see her standing a few feet ahead, not getting any closer due to her fear of me. My tears only get heavier.

Me: I-I-I'm... not gonna do anything to you... Please d-don't be scared of me... Please- Oof!

She weeps to no end into my chest.

Raspberry: D-don't leave...! P-please...! I-I-I don't w-want you to go...!

I shake as I break down, sobbing.

Me: R-R-Razzie...! I-I never meant to s-say those things to you...!

Raspberry: I-I don't care...! I love you...!

Through my endless tears, I slam my lips against hers, massaging her mouth with every inch of my tongue. She clutches my shirt and moans as I keep apologizing. For a long while, that's all we do, until I decide to let go. We take staggering breaths as I hold her head under my chin.

Raspberry: Dom...

I sigh.

Me: I'll be gone for a while...

Raspberry: Wh-why...?

Me: I need to think about what I've done... I can't make it right until I have a proper solution...

Raspberry: W-we can think of something...

Me: I know, but... I can't stay here, knowing everyone hates me...

Raspberry: I-I don't... I know you're a good person...

Me: But Strawberry can't stand me... No matter how much I apologize, I know she'll never forgive me...

Raspberry: And you're just running away...?

I sigh.

Me: I have to...

Raspberry: B-but you never run away... That's not what the Dom I know would do...

Me: That's it, Raspberry... I don't know what I am anymore...

She trembles as she lightly smacks my chest.

Raspberry: Mm...! Y-you better come back...!

I nod.

Me: I will...

As I rev up the engine and take off, I don't look back once. I have no idea when I'll be back. I have no idea about anything. I hope I'll be able to make things right.

But not now.

Not now.




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