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I am dreaming.

I know because I'm standing in a dark room with nothing but... well, darkness. There's nothing around me for ages and, to be honest, it's a tad creepy. I think about shouting "hello" in the hopes that someone is in the darkness with me. But, with my luck, it might be a Galumphalot, so I stay quiet. I know this is a dream and I can imagine anything I could ever want.

But I have all that I need in the real world, in Berry Bitty City.


I feel the tremor of heavy footsteps coming up from behind me. And a feint red glow that increases with every step. I don't dare turn to see what it is. Because I already know.

But I can't bear to face it and I come to the decision that the dream is over.

Me: Not this time...


I wake up to find myself in my coconut-themed bedroom, sitting up in my coconut-themed bed, with Raspberry Torte comfortably dozing next to me.

Yes, we sleep in the same bed. We're an official couple now and such things shouldn't be weird, such as leaning over to hug her. That wakes her up, and as soon as she sees me, she smiles.

Raspberry: Morning, Dom...

Me: Mm... It's actually four in the morning...

Raspberry takes a quick glance at the window and groans.

Raspberry: So why did you wake me...?

Me: I had a bit of a nightmare...

Raspberry clutches my hand, making me feel much better.

Raspberry: Poor thing...

Me: I know, right...?

She sits up and gives me her full attention.

Raspberry: What was it about...?

I sigh. I can't even tell her.

Me: About...

So I lie.

Me: You finding someone better... And leaving me all alone...

Raspberry frowns and gives me one of her signature hugs of comfort.

Raspberry: You and I both know that's not going to happen... I don't want you to think that way anymore, okay...? Only happy dreams...

I smile as we both lay back down, getting all snuggy.

Me: I'm already happy...

Even though I say it... And I mean it... I know there's an emotional pain inside my head screaming that it's not true. I have begun to lose interest in Apple Dumplin, ever since the reconstruction of Berry Bitty City. Raspberry is my girlfriend now, and possibly forever. That same emotional pain wants Raspberry to belong to Lemon. But I have no idea how that's a possiblity at this point. So I fully embrace my current status and hold Raspberry Torte in my arms. It's a heck of a lot better than spending my life alone.

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