A Star Is Fashioned

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Croquet. A sport of skill. Not many people will admit it, since croquet is seen as a weak sport. But it's far more than knocking a ball into a wire hoop. I've been playing croquet for as long as I can remember, and I've only ever won two games.


I hear a loud boom echoing in the distance, and I realize Cherry's bus part has arrived. But the Berrykins have hidden it, so she wouldn't have to leave. It's such a dirty move, but I think to myself, had the Berrykins not done that, we would have lost someone important.

Cherry: Raspberry, watch out!

Raspberry isn't paying attention, because she had just gotten what she'd wished for. She stumbles to the ground as a red ball whooshes past and hits the post.

Raspberry: Oh!

She giggles.

Raspberry: I lost again!

I help Raspberry up, chuckling at her giggles.

Me: Are you okay?

Raspberry: No... I'm a star...

I smile, because that's true.

Blueberry: You've lost three games in a row.

Plum: We've heard of being a good sport, but this is extreme.

Strawberry: Raspberry, is there something else you might be so giggly about?

Me: Why, yes there is. It happened just last night, after the talent show, right, Raspberry?

Raspberry: I'm sorry... I just, okay... Okay. Yes, it did happen last night, after the talent show... Something berry unbeliev... incredib... um... just great happened.

Me: The talent scout absolutely adored Raspberry's performance. I mean, who didn't? And she... Oh, maybe Raspberry wants to say it herself?

Raspberry: No, it's okay, Dom. (giggles) I'm just gonna start giggling again...

Me: The scout gave Raspberry her card, so they could "talk" about her fabulous fashions!

The girls gasp and we all get a closer look at the card, in Raspberry's hand.

Strawberry: Raspberry, that's great!

Cherry: What did she say when you called her?

Me: Well... Raspberry hasn't.

Raspberry: Nope.

Orange: Why not?

Raspberry: Because! I'm so... scared! Excited! Nervous! I mean, what if she says... "Razzzpberry? The dog trainer? Oh, dress designer! Ahh, yes, it's all coming back to me now! The glitter gown! Well, dahling, are you sitting down? Because, congratulations! We're hiring you to make six thousand dresses for the annual Berry Big City Firefly Convention!"

I know Raspberry's having a terrible thought in her head, about her in a dark room, wearing creepy goggles, muttering the Wheels on the Bus.

Raspberry: I mean, who needs that?

She goes to rip the card but Blueberry stops her.

Blueberry: You don't know that's what would happen.

Strawberry: And you won't know 'til you call.

Raspberry: Yeah, well, maybe later. I can wait.

Orange: Well, we can't.

Raspberry: But our game...

Me: Raspberry, let me remind you that you wanted nothing more than to have your talents recognized, and be a star. You almost didn't make it in the talent show, if it wasn't for Lemon.

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