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"But that's exactly why I feel this way," I confessed to Pepin. "He does so much for me. He considers every detail to ensure his world accommodates me as comfortably as possible. He has to adapt so much to meet my limitations."

"But haven't you done the same?" Pepin countered gently. "Haven't you sacrificed much of your former life to adapt to his world? I'm sure the Alpha doesn't mind adjusting his world for you any more than I'm sure you don't mind."

What he was saying made sense. However, I couldn't shake off the nagging insecurity. But before I could respond, the door creaked open, revealing Egon's face as he entered the room. His eyes darted between Pepin and me, concern etched across his face as he observed us. "What's happened? Is Esmara all right?"

"No need to worry, Alpha," Pepin quickly reassured him. "I just popped in to check on the Luna. But I'm pleased to report that the bruises on her neck have disappeared, and I'm confident all her other wounds have healed too. Your blood, as you are both an Alpha and a Lycan, appears to possess enhanced healing abilities. The Luna has healed faster than I anticipated."

Offering me one last reassuring smile, Pepin rose from his seat. "I'll leave you two alone now," he said as he bowed his head to us before he exited the room.

Egon turned his attention to me, concern evident in his gaze as it swept over my body and face, lingering on my eyes. "I can see you've been crying. Are you in pain?" he asked, his voice mirroring the concern in his eyes.

Pepin's words echoed in my mind, giving me the courage to voice my insecurities to Egon, but I couldn't help but feel a wave of shame wash over me and I lowered my head in embarrassment.

The couch shifted beneath his weight as Egon settled down beside me. He gently lifted my chin until my gaze met his. His expression was solemn, yet his gaze held nothing but affection. "Please, tell me what's wrong."

"I wanted to write a letter to Runelda, letting her know I'm alright and passing along Gaspard's message," I began as my gaze drifted back to the hands in my lap. "But I got frustrated because I couldn't do it."

I met Egon's gaze which was still filled with love but now also tinged with understanding as it started to dawn on him what I wanted to say. "I can't read or write," I confessed softly.

I wasn't sure how Egon would react. In my worst moments of insecurity, I had feared he might respond with disgust, confirming my anxious thoughts. But his expression shifted into something worse. It was disappointment, and I was certain it was directed at himself.

"Please, don't look like that. It's not your fault," I pleaded as I grabbed his hand.

Egon looked ashamed. "But it is. I didn't realize. How could I have missed that you were struggling with this?"

"Not everything that concerns me is your fault, Egon," I said, my voice tinged with frustration. "I know you feel this immense responsibility as my mate, but you can't change my past. The fact that I can't read and write is because I never learned. I should have been honest with you sooner."

The dejection in his gaze had softened and was replaced by determination. He reached out, cupping my face gently in his hands. "What have I done to deserve such a perfect mate?"

His words brought a blush to my cheeks, warming me from within. It was exactly what I needed to hear to silence my insecurities. "It's me who should be questioning what I've done to deserve you," I replied softly.

Egon smiled at me, his eyes full of affection as he leaned in to kiss me.

As he pulled back, he leaned against the backrest of the sofa, pulling me into his arms. "If you want to learn, I can arrange for a tutor," he offered.

Shifters - The king of wolves - Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon