A Chilling Evening

Start from the beginning

Tine and Gulf had returned to their cafe after a week. It wasn't prudent to keep hiding longer than that regardless of the threat. They had bodyguards following them all the time to ensure their safety and Wat stayed at the cafe as much as he could. What else could they do other than taking precautions? They could just prepare themselves to deal with this psycho whenever he decided to show himself.

A chilling November evening unfolded into a horror none of them had anticipated. It was a normal evening, Wat was at home going through the revised manuscript for his new novel, Mew was at office wrapping up to come home soon. Tine was in the kitchen making batter for fresh batch of cookies while Gulf was at the counter, serving the customers. It was around 7 when one of their regular customer entered the cafe little wet from the light drizzle outside.

Gulf perked up when he saw the man, "Travis, you haven't been coming here these days."

"Sorry, bro. Too swamped at work. You know, how those cruel bosses of mine like to dump their work on me?"

"Aww, poor you. Have a seat. I'll make a steaming hot chocolate for you."

"I definitely need it. It's windy outside." The man shuddered due to cold.

"You must be uncomfortable in your wet clothes. I could get you a change of clothes."

"It's fine. It'll dry soon enough." He waved away the suggestion.

"I really could...."

"Gulf, don't fret. I'll be going home after this anyway."

"If you say so. Tine is making fresh batch of cookies. Would you like some?"

Travis smiled at the suggestion, "Yes please. Sugar sounds really good right now."

"Coming right up." Gulf got busy with making the drink while the man took his seat near window.

The cafe was almost empty by the time Travis was finishing his hot chocolate and cookies. He got up to pay for his order when another man entered the cafe. He was dressed in all black with a cap and mask covering his face. Masks weren't that out of ordinary these days because of pandemic and pollution but something about him gave weird vibes. Gulf got weary as the man walked slowly to the counter while looking around the cafe. He stared mutely at the menu for quite a long time making Tine and Gulf share a look of apprehension.

"What would you like to order?" Tine said with a forced smile.


"Um.... Sir-"

"White chocolate creme Frappuccino with caramel drizzle." He answered, tone slightly rough and deep.

Gulf got to work quickly, wanting the man out of the cafe as soon as possible. Tine was staring anxiously at the man as he took the money and handed him the receipt. The moment their hands touched, Tine felt man's fingers stay a bit longer than necessary. He quickly pulled his hand back and went to get his phone. It wouldn't be bad idea to call Wat to get them. Before he could take another step forward, he was yanked back by his hair and a hand was slapped over his mouth to make sure he couldn't scream. Gulf was startled when Tine was pushed against the man's chest, the glass fell from his hand falling to the floor and breaking into pieces. He moved to help his friend but the threatening glare in man's eyes stopped him in his track.

"L-Let him go." Gulf stuttered.

"No. He's mine."

"I'm calling the police. You better leave him."

Gulf picked up his phone but the man had already anticipated that. He pulled Tine's hair making him wince in pain.

"If you don't want me to hurt him, you'll let go of your phone right now." To emphasize his point, he smacked Tine's face on the counter making him whimper.

"Tine." Gulf screamed in dismay.

"Throw your phone towards me. NOW."

Gulf did as he was told. He couldn't watch Tine getting hurt.

"Good boy."

Before Gulf could worry about it more he saw Travis from hindsight. He had the coffee pot in his hand and was slowly approaching the man. Seems like the man had totally forgotten about the other customer while he was busy terrorizing them. Gulf did his best to distract the psycho so Travis could get a good hit on him.

"Please let him go. What do you want? Is it money?"

"No. I just want him."

Gulf felt cold shiver run down his spine, "Is it- You're his stalker?"

"Took you long enough."

"You sick bastard."

"Refrain from name callin-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Travis had hit him on head, unfortunately not hard enough to knock him out but it was enough to make him let go of Tine. Gulf quickly moved to pull Tine away from the man while Travis tried to get another hit in. The man had got his bearing back but swayed while he stood. Travis moved towards him holding up the coffee pot as a weapon. He realized he couldn't tackle three people with concussion so he glared threateningly one more time and ran away as fast as he could. Gulf and Tine slumped down to the floor in relief. They couldn't believe they had escaped unscathed if you looked past a bruise already forming on Tine's face.

"Oh gosh, are you okay, Tine?"

"Y-Yeah. Thanks Travis. You saved us."

"That crazy psycho. How could he-"

"He was definitely your stalker, Tine. I knew he wouldn't sit still." Gulf said.

"Stalker?" Travis asked.

"A crazy degenerate has been stalking Tine for quite some time."

"That's scary. Have you guys contacted police?"

"We did but they couldn't find him."

"I can't believe he came here."

"We should call Wat and Mew."

Travis helped Tine off the floor, seated him at the nearby chair.

"You should ice it. That bruise is going to be nasty."

"I should get it." Gulf went to get ice.

"Tine, are you okay? You look shaken up." Travis asked in concern.

"It's....I-I didn't expect him to be here. My stalker.... It sounds crazy enough that I have a stalker....but to meet him like that is just throwing me off."

"I'm glad you're okay. I'll get you something to drink. A hot chocolate would calm your nerves."

"It's fine. You don't have to."

"Tine, please. You had such a fright, both of you. I don't mind making couple of hot chocolate." Travis reassured him.

Gulf returned with the ice pack taking a seat beside Tine. Travis came back with two cups of hot chocolate and Gulf thanked him for everything.

"I mean it, Travis. You really saved us today." Gulf said as he drank the beverage.

"How could have I not? After all Tine is my sweet little plaything. I couldn't let someone else damage him."


Gulf stood up in shock but the room was spinning around him. He tried to say something but his mouth wouldn't cooperate and before he knew everything went dark. Tine wasn't doing any better. He had tried to catch Gulf but he could hardly stand up from his seat. His muscles weighed ton and he could not formulate any thought. Last thing he saw was demonic smile on Travis's face.

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