Goodbye Infected Leader

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The survivors were terrified at Maggie, the man stood up and shot her in the head. She bend her back however she still standing, she slowly looked at him as they saw the bullet on her forehead

Man: oh fuc-!

She leap to him and devour his flesh, Michelle goes to the corner shaking and Paula keep shooting at Maggie

Paula: Die you bitch!!

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her

??: you should have listened to me..

It was Ren however his jaw split open and he bit Paula on the neck, she screamed in pain and kept shooting his face until he pulled her head off from her body. He spit her head on the ground and he roared. He looked at Carol and used his claws and cut the tape from her hands and legs, she took the gag from her mouth Ren looked at maggie, she killed the man and what's left was only his head and legs, she stood up facing Ren however she fell to her knees and vomited. Ren run to maggie and rub her back

Ren: its okay, let it out

After she finished, she looked at Ren terrified: R..Ren.. i..i ate him..

Ren: yeah.. I know how it feels. It happened to me

Carol takes the gun from the floor and aims at Michelle, she looks at Carol terrified and she surrenders herself.

Michelle: Please don't kill me.

Carol was about to shoot but Ren rest his hand on her shoulder

Ren: let her live

Carol: She works for those people, Ren

Ren: i know, but trust me

She sigh and she lower her gun, Ren walked to Michelle and offer his hand

Michelle: Why..?

She looks at him and saw his jar heal back

Ren: because you deserve a second chance..

She was shock that he is offering her a second chance, she put her hisentiant behind her and take his hand


It's been a few weeks since Rick and others killed the saviors in the outpost, Ren had Michelle imprisoned, Maggie told Beth about what happened to her and Ren thinks during intercorse it also spread the virus but he didn't tell anyone. Lily and Tara go out to find more supplies, Ren gets to know Enid as she becomes friends with Maggie and Beth. Ren and Michonne spar and Train each other as they grow their bond. Someone died as they went to get supplies with Rosita and Daryl so Ren told his community to hide the guns to a secret place so if saviors come, they wont find any weapons. Carol went out and she didn't come back so Rick and Morgan went after her. Rick came back but Morgen was still out there looking for Carol, Daryl went off to kill savoies so Michonne, Glenn and Rosita went after him. Maggie got herself a new haircut from Enid to surprise Ren but something went wrong with her baby, she was in pain. Ren storm off to the armoury and gear up however Enid follow him

Enid: I need to be there for Maggie so please, let me go with you

Ren: no

Enid: Ren

Ren: Look, you need to stay here with Jessie, Lizzle and Mica and you need to stay here and protect this place

Enid: This place is ready. Most of us have trained because of you and you know that. If you worry about an attack you wouldn't be leaving

Ren: Hilltop is far and i'm not fast enough to get here and there at the same time. Those saviours are out there waiting for an attack, what Michelle told me was true about more creatures like me but mindless. You know what they did to Denise, what they tried to do with Maggie, Carol and I, to Daryl, Rosita and Eugene. That's not happening to you, okay? I'm not gonna let it

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