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After that bloodshed, it was now morning. Ren, Daryl, Rick, Shane, Glenn T-Dog have been clearing out walkers and the people who were surviving. They put the walkers in a hole that Glenn and Ren dig but Glenn saw Shane carrying one of his people that was dead last night

Glenn: wait not them

Shane: Why not them, they walkers

Glenn: they were our people, the walkers goes in that hole and burn but our people should be bury

Rick: he's right, Ren and Glenn been burying some of the people who once here

Shane: Fine, where to bury our people?

Glenn: over there where Ren is

Glenn pointed out where Ren said and Shane went there. Ren and Daryl dig holes to bury their people in. However Ren kept thinking that might happen when he saw Amy get bitten by a walker but it didn't happen because he threw his katana at it and saved her. But after that he didn't talk to her because of what he saw. With a lost in thought, Daryl called his name

Daryl: Yo Ren, why did you stop?

As Ren snap back to reality he kept back digging: nothing sorry

Daryl: it's fine, if you need to talk I'm here

Ren: I'll remember that, and the same to you

Shane meet up with Ren and Daryl

Shane: hey guys

Daryl: hey

Ren: hey Shane, give me that person

Shane hands Ren the person body and he takes it and rest that person dead body in the hole

Shane: Amy been looking for you

Ren: really? Why?

Shane: you should go and ask her

Ren: alright


After Ren had a fight with Carol husband he sits on the chair that is close to the rv, he was looking at Carl and others just doing their thing until Amy and Andrea got a lot of fish

As they pass by Ren and Amy looked at each other and she smile at him, he smile back and she looked forward

Morales: Oh, baby. Will you look at that? Hey, check it out

He laugh and Andrea and Amy hand him a stack of fish

Morales: Ladies...

Lori and others looked shocked at how much fish that Amy and Andrea got.

Morales: ...because of you my children will eat tonight. Thank you

Andrea: Thank Dale, it's his canoe and gear

Amy grab a bottle of water and drinks from it and smiling, she did a little dance that makes Ren smile a bit

Carl: Mom, look. Look at all the fish

Morales show Lori the stack of fish

Lori: Thank you

She chuckles and Carl was amazed

Carl: Whoa

Lori: Yea, whoa. Where did you two learn to do that?

Ren slowly got up and walked to the group

Amy: Our dad.

Carl: Can you teach me how to do that?

Amy: sure. I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff. If that's okay

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