Power Struggle Part 1

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The next morning, Ren is in bed with Maggie and Beth cuddling him, Ren open his eyes and let out a sigh

Ren's thoughts: how would I tell them that I'm going to be a father..


Ren was talking to Tyresse about how they come here as they were walking heading to the group

Ren: Okay, from the boiling room right?

Tyresse: yes it was the only way for us to get in here

Ren: okay, maybe when we got time, we head in there and clear some walkers

Ren and Tyresse meet with the others, Maggie and Ren looked at each other and as Ren looked at Amy he gets a feeling something is bothering her

Beth: Why are we even so sure he's going to attack? Maybe Ren scared him off

Michonne: He had fish tank full of heads. Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming

Sasha: What kind of sick person can do that?

Glenn: we should hit him now

Ren looked at Glenn

Beth: what?

Glenn: He won't be expecting it. We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head

Carol: We're not assassins

Tyresse: So this is what you talking about? The Governor

Ren: yeah, he's one sick son of a bitch

Glenn stood up and walked to Michonne: You know where his apartment is. You and I could end this tonight

She sigh

Glenn: I'll do it myself

She slowly nods

Glenn: okay

Hershel: He didn't know you were coming last time and look what happened. You were almost killed, Daryl and Ren were captured. You, Amy and Maggie were almost executed.

Glenn slowly walked to Hershel: you can't stop me

Hershel: not me

Ren walked and got in front of Glenn: choose your words wisely... glenn

Glenn looked at Ren: you really think you can stop me Ren, I'm not afraid of you

Ren: Think this through clearly. T-Dog lost his life here. Lori, too. The men that were here. It isn't worth any more killing. Remember what Dale told us

Glenn: Dale's gone, so what?

Ren: ...

Hershel: What are we waiting for? If he's really on his way, we should be out of here by now

Glenn: and go where?

Hershel: We lived on the road all winter.

Glenn: back when you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers every four hours

Hershel: We can't stay here

Glenn: we can't run

Amy walked away, Ren notice and look back at Glenn

Ren: I want you to think about this. Andrea is there. If you attack the governor he'll have her on the spot. She's pregnant, we are staying here and we're gonna defend this place. We are making a stand. Do you understand?

Glenn didn't stay anything but Ren walked away and follow Amy, he head upstairs and he heard soft crying, he follows it and found Amy in a cell crying

Ren: Amy?

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