Heading To Hilltop

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Ren were next to the RV as Carl and others packing to head out, Ren walked to Rick and Carl as Rick holding Judith

Carl: Bro, are you sure?

Ren: i'm sure, i know he's telling the truth somehow

Rick: we still have to be cautions, Son

Ren: yeah, i know

They saw paul and Michonne walked off the small stairs

Rick: Look, I was gonna tell you two about me and Michonne but it just happened. Last night

Ren and Carl looked at each other and then Rick

Ren: Well, I don't hold a grudge against that. Now my ship has finally sailed the sea of love

Carl: What did Beth teach you?

Ren: Things you can't know until you are older Carl

Ren and Rick chuckle and Carl roll his eye: very funny

Rick: Well get your stuff, Gabriel can take care of Judith while we're gone

Carl: No, i'm not coming

Ren: since when?

Carl: Since now and someones gotta stay back keep this place safe. A kid with a messed up face probably wouldn't make the best first impression anyway

Ren: bro, we the same but your choice

Rick hand Carl Judith and Rick and Ren went to pack stuff up in the RV

Aberharm: Lets chew up some asphalt!

Ren saw Jessie by the stairs watching him, he waved at her and she gives him a smile waving back, Ren, Maggie, Daryl, Glenn, Amy, Paul, Abraham and Michonne head in the RV and Rick drive


While driving, Ren had his hand on Maggie's stomach to see the baby as she had her head on the back seat sleeping. Ren was thinking about something until Abraham called him

Abraham: Hey, boss

Ren looked at him: yeah?

Abraham: Can I ask you a question?

Ren: sure thing

He got close to Ren and Ren did the same

Abraham: When you were uh, "pouring the Bisquick" were you trying to "make pancakes?"

Rens thoughts: what the fuck that mean?

Ren: Um.. yes?

He now realised: Ohh okay well.. It's something that we talk about. Why? Were you and sasha?

Abraham: I don't know.. We might? Given the precarious state of affairs on any given Sunday. I am damn near floored that you or anyone else would have to cojones to make a call like that

Ren: Hmm.. we are trying to build something, me, her, beth and my girlfriends. All of us

Abraham: For the record, i'm sorry that sasha cheated on you with me, it just happened

Ren: its okay, but you need to apologized to Rosita, she still upset of you

Abraham: I can see that and I also see rain coming. I'm wearing galoshes. I double up

Ren nods: i see i see

Suddenly Daryl spoke: Yo, Rick. What's going on?

Rick: We got a crash ahead

Paul: it's one of ours

He rushed out and Rick stop the RV, they got out and saw Paul by the tip over car as Rick aim his gun at Paul: If this is a trick, it won't end well for you

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