They Not Sick People

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Maggie Pov

Maggie was at the kitchen chopping some garlic until her father enter the kitchen

Herschel: Hi, honey

She didn't say anything but kept chopping. Herschel goes to the counter and pour coffee in his cup and he sat down opposite of Maggie

Herschel: Seems like Ren doesn't need any more of my help

Maggie: So that's it?

Herschel: Rick was trying to make a case. It'll be hard. They'll have to be careful. But he was being dramatic. They're a strong group. They're done well on their own. They're just gonna have to go out and find their own farm. There's plenty of them now to choose from.

Maggie; There aren't. Every one of them nearby is burned out or full of walkers

Herschel: Walkers? So we just keep these people here forever? How are they my responsibility?

Maggie: " A new command I give to you. Love one another I have loved you" that's what you told me, right?

Hershel was silent

Maggie: I was mad about mom. Mad about you marrying Annette. I was 14 years old and I was awful, to you more than anybody. All I wanted to do was smoke and shoplift. "Love one another" That's what you told me

Herschel: Maggie. That was different

Maggie: No. You're different

Hershel: I am. But we're not. I love you. That's part of this. Is this about you and Rick's older son? Do you want me to-

Maggie: No

She sighs and looks at her father: His name is Ren. He saved my life yesterday when one of the people you think is sick tried to kill me. How's that for dramatic? Things aren't what you think they are. They aren't. Don't do this

He stay quiet as she kept talking to him: Okay? It's not about me and Ren. It's not about me and you. It's about you. It's about who you are, who you're gonna be.

Otis: Hershel!

Maggie and Her father looked at the door and saw Otis running in: It happened again


Ren Pov

Ren was with his father and Andrea talking about where to search for Sophia until Hershel walked up to him

Hershel: Rick

They looked at Herschel

Rick: Hershel. We just have our guns out because we're gonna go look for Sophia

Hershel: Before you do that, I could use your help with something

Andrea: Count me in

Ren: I can help

Hershel: Thank you but I just need Rick

Ren: Okay

Andrea: I'll be down at the barn keeping watch until you're ready

Rick gone with Hershel and now Ren and Andrea is alone, he was about to leave until Andrea stop him

Andrea: Ren

Ren turns and looks at her: yeah?

Andrea: look.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you personally, I was being an asshole

Ren: it's fine, but I see you and Shane are close

Andrea sigh: yeah we are. I also saw you and Hershel older daughter are close

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