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After Ren, Rick and Daryl butcher the dogs, the group cook them by stricken the meat in the stick and hove it over the fire, they don't have no choice but to eat. The next day they kept walking, Ren was walking with Beth and Maggie and he told them

Ren: tell them up I'm going to get water

Maggie knows he isn't because she and Beth knows he's in pain

Maggie: okay

Beth: be careful

She kissed Ren on the face and he walked into the woods, he saw a small barn a few feet away, he wan by the wall and looked up at the sky, then he started to cry. His best friend died and it broke his heart..

After that Ren rejoin his group but he saw they stop and looked at him, Rick walked up to Ren and had him a note saying "FROM A FRIEND" Ren pull out his katana's and looked around

Carol: What else are we gonna do?

Rick: not this.we don't know who left it

Eugene: If that's a trap, we already happen to be in it. But i, for one, would like to think it is indeed for a friend

Carol: What if it isn't? They put something in it?

Eugene walked to the bottle and pick it up

Rosita: Eugene

Tara: what are you doing, dude?

Eugene: Quality assurance

He was about to drink it but Ren slice the bottle casing the water to fall down. Eugene looks at Ren and Ren said

Ren: we can't trust this, as much I want to believe you Eugene but we need to be careful around here and this "friend" is watching us

suddenly thunder rumbling and rain start to fall, some of the group happy because they can drink the rain water. Ren saw Tara and Rosita lay on the road, Mica and Lizzie were dancing around the rain, Andrea smile and Amy looked at Glenn with a smile, Beth and Maggie were happy, Ren smile for his group is happy but he saw Sasha just staying at the ground, Gabriel start to cry

Gabriel: I'm sorry, my Lord

Rick: Everybody get the bags. Anything you can find

Judith and Alice start to cry, Ren notices the thunder sounds a bit different, he looks at the sky and sees the clouds we're darker like a thunderstorm.

Rick: let's keep moving

Ren: Wait, There's a barn

Rick: Where?


The group made it to a barn, Rick and Ren went in and looked around to see Any walkers in. Maggie saw a walker in one of the horse pin and she kills it


As night falls and thunder clashing, everyone rests on the ground, Sasha and Abraham lean on a plank alone, Rick, Daryl, Carol, Amy, Glenn, Michonne, Andrea, Maggie and Beth were sitting next to a campfire, Carl sleeps with Judith, Mica, Lizzie and Sophia were sleeping. Rick looked at Ren, Ren was alone leaning on the wall as he sits down

Carol: he's going to be okay, she bounce back more than any of us do

Andrea: I saw he's been trying to held the pain

Maggie: he wants to be alone so we have to respect that

Beth looked at Ren and was worried about him, Ren closed his eyes hearing the rain falls and thunder clashing. He felt someone sits next to him, he open his eye and saw it was Tara

Ren: Hey..

Tara: Hey, you feeling alright?

Ren: I won't say that's a stupid question but I not

Tara: your group is worried about you and your lovers

Ren: I just wanted to be alone.. But tell me about yourself

Tara: Well.. Before the outbreak, I attended high school while I'm in the academy of Atlanta police

Ren: I think I heard you mention that, but I hope you stop smoking

She looks at him in shock: you remember?

Ren: at first I met you I didn't but when you been around, I remember you

Tara: then.. That's good you remember me and yes I stop smoking

Ren: good smoking is bad for health

Tara: I stopped because of my sister.. She also told me that same line

Ren: What was she like?

Tara: she's an Oncology Nurse, her husband was a jackass, he left her and.. My niece Megan. But she's a soft-spoken women

Ren: so sad I didn't get to meet her and her daughter

Tara: Yeah.. But why? Are you going to charm her?

Ren: ha.. No but idk.. Maybe I'll charm you

She laughed softly and looked away mumbling: you already have..

Ren: You said something?

She looked at Ren: nothing

Ren: Okay, imma just walk around

Tara: okay

Ren gets up and just walked around but he gets a odd feeling about something, he looked at the door and saw the wind blow, Ren walked to the barn door and saw a horde of walkers approaching, his eye widen and he turn around to warn others

Ren: Everyon-

Suddenly something bursts through the barn doors, it has a t-rex mouth and it bites Ren and pulls him outside. The group were shocked and terrified of what just happened. They get their guns and run to the barn door, the thing killing all the walkers. It threw Ren at the ground and Ren gets up and saw it was the form that the governor had

It roars at Ren monstrously, its eye poking out from its mouth, his eyes widened to see the governor is alive, how is he alive? he saw his dead body

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It roars at Ren monstrously, its eye poking out from its mouth, his eyes widened to see the governor is alive, how is he alive? he saw his dead body. The rage takes over him and he transforms into his volatile wolf form and roars at the walker T-Rex. The battle between mutants of the virus had begun

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