A New Deal

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Ren was resting on the the bed as he went to that same place where infected Ren is

Infected Ren: You still try to figure it out? How Maggie turned to that thing that attack us

Ren: wait.. Us? There is no us. You almost killed Lily and Maggie

Infected Ren: You know you can't control the rage, i can

Ren: i will take control of you so you wont hurt my family

Infected Ren: Well see about that. I can feel the anger growing since Gregory want to fuck your wife

Ren: I don't want to hear it now leave me alone!

Ren opens his eyes and sits up, he sighs as he rubs the back of his head: I really need to find out.. Before I.. Hurt anyone

Ren stand up and open the door, he saw Paul talking to Rick

Paul: We want to generate trade. Gregory does. But ammo isn't something we urgently need

Rick: Well, how's that?

Paul: The walls hold, We just brought in more medicine. Gregory wants the best deal possible

Daryl: Yeah, well, we want things too

Ren: we need food, We came all this way so we're gonna get it

Paul looked at Ren: I will talk to him and we will work this out. Circumstances change. We're doing well now, and you will next. I will make him understand that. Can you give me a few days?

Michonne: We can

Ren: Okay

Suddenly they heard fainted yelling outside, a man came it and Gregory open the door and saw the man

Gregory: What's wrong?

Man: They're back

They gone outside and saw two men and a women walking to Gregory

Gregory: Nathan, what happened to everybody else. Where's Tim and Marsha?

Nathan: They're dead

Gregory: Negan?

Nathan: Yeah

Gregory: We had a deal

Man: He said it wasn't enough. Was the drop light?

Gregory: No

Woman: They still have Craig

Nathan: They said they'd keep him alive, return him to us, if i deliver a messages to you

Gregory: So, tell me

He rest his hand on Gregory shoulder, Ren start to feel suspicion coming from Nathan

Nathan: im sorry

Nathan stab Gregory, Paul, Maggie grab Gregory as Ren and Michonne pulling Nathan away from Gregory

Nathan: Get off of me! I had to

He pushed Michonne away and was about to punch Ren but he dodge it and kick Nathan, slamming him on the ground punching his face until another man grabs Ren and pulls him off Nathan. Abraham Tackle the man who pull Ren away however Ren tackle Nathan but nathan turn Ren over and choking him

Amy: Hey!

Amy and Glenn were about to pull their guns but Nathan yelled: stay back! Anybody who tries to stop me is killing my brother!

He looked at Ren while have a knife on Ren's neck

Michonne: Drop it

He looked at Michonne and Ren punched through Nathan's chest and grabbed his heart, he squeezed it and pushed Nathan off him and stood up, he was covered in blood. However Hilltop people was shock and fear they saw Ren eye glowing red and he looking at everyone

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