Lost Track Of Time

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Ren was with Hershel as he teaching Ren to farm

Hershel: These leaves are gonna be in the shade, so we won't get any good fruits from it. So we just pinch it off here. Things break, but they can still grow. These little bristles, they'll take root and we'll have a whole new plant.

Ren: I see, thank you for teaching me Hershel. I'll remember that

Hershel: your welcome, but there is something I wanna ask you

Ren: hm?

Hershel: the women you are dating. How well can you mind them? Even if their kids are you kin or note

Ren: well.. I don't think it's hard. But I am happy Sophia is my daughter even though she isn't my kin, I am responsible for her. As for Sasha, Maggie and Beth.. I would be happy to be the father of their unborn child

Hershel was impressed by Ren's words: I can see why my girls love you. You ready to be a father when you are 20

Ren: Maybe I'm unique..

Ren remembers Jennie and he stands up: thank you for your lessons, Hershel.

Hershel: your welcome

Ren walked away and head to the prison


Ren was with Milton as he talking to Ren about Ren's wolf form

Ren: You got news for me?

Milton: Yes, I've been studying your blood you give me. Your cells keep evolving over and over again. Like first, your transformations, I called it volatile since you become violent with that form, and the claws and blade. I called them, blade and claws. I believe you will get more transformations and abilities as the virus within you evolve

Ren: So what you are saying is, I can transform into a humanoid wolf? Like werewolves?

Milton: there is a possibility chance it will

Ren: damn.. This weaponized virus is something else.. Just don't let my blood go near anyone. I don't want them to lose their humanity

Milton: okay, Ren

Ren exits out from Milton new lab in prison, Ren looked at his hand and sigh

Ren: why would mother use that on me.. did she do that to save me..?

Sophia: hey dad

He saw Sophia walking to him

Ren: Hey, going to study time?

Sophia: Yeah, but Carl isn't going. He said it's for kids

Ren: funny and I though he's a kid

Sophia: And there's something else..

Ren: What is it?

Sophia looked away: I hadn't told mom yet but i..I started bleeding.. I know it's a thing.. My mom has been there and.. I mean.. Why is it..

She sigh and looked at Ren, he was surprised that she's on that state, time fly by fast but he felt like he heard that before

Ren: u-um, it means you're growing up, it's part of womanhood. Your body is developing and things will change but it will be okay Sophia

She smiled at him and hugged him: okay.. Thank you dad

Ren hug back: your welcome now go study time

Sophia: okay, love you

Ren: love you too

She walked and heading to study time, Ren smile and sigh: she's going through period, well it's nice

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