Serious Talk

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As Ren was in deep though, He and Beth heard the car coming up, they looked at the window and saw a red truck, he looked at Beth: Stay here

Beth: why?

Ren: because our group knows your ill and just like that you heal. If you come down with me it will cause confusion

Beth sits on the bed: okay..

Ren ran to the door, heading down stairs and into the outside and saw Rick, Glenn, Hershel and Daryl. He saw Lori and Carl hugs Rick. Amy hugs Glenn but he didn't hug back he walked away

Hershel: Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery

Ren: surgery?

Ren walked up to his family until T-Dog spot something within the truck

T-Dog: Who the hell is that?

Everyone looked at the truck

Glenn: That's Randall

Ren's thoughts: Wait.. Randall?


The next Morning. Rick and Hershel's group were in the living room discussing Randall. Ren was leaning at the wall next to Maggie

Rick: We couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out, if he lived that long

Glenn: It gotten bad in town

Andrea: What do we do with him?

Hershel: I repaired his calf muscle as best I can but he'll probably have nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for at least a week

Rick: When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road, send him on his way

Daryl came through the door, he and Ren nod to each other and he lean by the wall close to the door

Andrea: isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?

Rick: He'll have a fighting chance

Shane: Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are

Ren: not quite, his eyes were blindfolded, as long he stay like that he won't know where we are

Rick: He's not a threat

Shane: Not a threat. How many of them were there? You killed three of their men, you took one of them hostage, but they just ain't gonna come looking for him?

Rick: They left him for dead. No one is looking

T-Dog: We should still post a guard

Hershel: He's out cold right now, will be for hours

Shane: I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy.

He scoff and start to walk: look at this folks, We back in FantasyLand

He walked pass Ren, Maggie notice something off about Ren like something is troubling him

Hershel: You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet.

She turn around and looked at Herschel

Hershel: Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all. This is my farm. Now I want you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do is both a favour, keep your mouth shut

Shane didn't say anything and turned around, he let out a sigh and walked out the door.

Rick goes to Hershel: Look, we're not gonna do anything about it today. Let's just cool off.

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