Broken Soul

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The tank grab Ren and slam him on the ground, it's strength is ten times more than 20 men, Rick, Glenn and Daryl kept shooting it as it head Ren on the ground

Rick: Let go of my son!

It slams Ren up and down, up and down again and again, making Ren turn to his normal self. It was about to do it again but grey spike pieces though it's shoulder that made it drop Ren. Ren lay here weak as he slowly turn his head to see who just saved him, his eyes widen to see it was Sophia, he saw her eyes glow purple

Sophia: Leave my father figure alone!!

She yelled and she summon more spikes at it, Amy start shooting along with Hershel and Beth

Beth: Ren! You gotta get up! Fight!!

Ren's eyes glow red and his jaw split apart, his rage has consumed him and he roared in rage and punched the Tank with full force that it flew up, Ren leapt towards it, kicked it and then grabbed it and threw it down the ground. Ren laser behind it and he grabs it's head. He roared as he slowly ripped its head. He used all of his strength and ripped the tank in half. He threw it. He roared in victory, but the rest of the group are now cautious because he isn't himself now. Ren looked down and breathed heavily. Beth slowly walked to him

Hershel: Beth-!

Beth looked at her dad: he won't hurt me

She looked back at Ren as she walked to him

Beth: Ren.. Are you okay..?

Ren slowly looked at Beth and he roar at her

Beth: It's okay.. It's over now..

She got close to him and she rest her hand on his face, her eyes glow yellow and his jaw formed back and his eyes turn to his own colour,

Ren: B..Beth..?

Beth: It's okay sweetie.. You're okay

She hugs Ren and he slowly hugs back, Rick and Hershel sigh in relief, Glenn ran to Amy and they hug tight, Daryl sits on the ground tired from running, Sophia ran to Ren and Beth and she hug Ren, he smiled and he hug her back

Rick: Where's The others?

Hershel: Maggie, Carl and Lori head inside block c

Ren: C..Carol and T, head to that door.. T got bitten by dad..

Rick: Shit.. Okay, Daryl and Glenn, you come with...

They all heard a infant crying, everyone looked and saw Maggie holding a baby with blood on her eyes with Carl, Axel and Oscar behind her but without Lori, Ren knows something up that Lori isn't with them and Rick asked Maggie

Rick: Where..where is she.. Where is she..?

He walked back and forth x side by side asking Maggie where is Lori, he saw his father breaking down and crying, Ren walked to Maggie and he have his hand on her face as she was crying, he held her head close to his shoulder, he start to tear up not because of Lori death, because of his father breaking down crying


Rick kneel as he was lost in thought, losing Lori make him lost, Daryl try to help Rick snap out of it but no luck

Daryl: Rick, you with me? Rick?

Ren: Dad..

Maggie hand Carl the baby

Hershel: let me see the baby

Carl walked to Hershel and he check on the baby

Daryl: What are we gonna feed it? We got anything a baby can eat?

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