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The Governor laugh: excellent you came prepare but not good enough

His form shift into a a cobra, Ren roared and ran at him and fight, cobra governor wrap around his tail around volatile werewolf, squeezing him until someone shot the governor face, it was the woman with the ponytails, she shot governor face with a shotgun, distracting him for Ren to bite a chunk out of governor tail. The woman then ran in fear, Ren got free and sliced the governor up, he used his tail to hit Ren but Ren sliced the governor's tail, he roared and turned back human but Ren pin him on the ground and ate his chest. The governor screams and cries in pain and lastly he stops and looks at the governor ... .and bites his head off. He roared until a tank shot Ren and the impact flew back to the prison


After a day, Maggie sharpen her knife on a rock and Sasha patching herself up, Sasha slowly walked to Maggie but Maggie notice

Maggie: What are you doing..?

Sasha: checking up on you

Maggie: Well I'm fine..

Sasha knows she's not fine, her dad is killed, her sister and fiance missing. Maggie got up and looked at Sasha

Maggie: You should be safe here, Ren may win and he might be looking for us.. If not I'm gonna find him

Sasha: Maggie, what if there's a chance he-

Maggie: dead? For his lover you sure don't believe him

Sasha: what? I'm just saying what if. I love Ren as much as you and your sister love him

Maggie: just stay here, imma go find him and my sister and I come back to you

Sasha: Maggie-

Maggie: I'm going

She start to walk away

Sasha: we cannot split up. Not now

she stops and look at Sasha: I'm going

She continues to walk and Sasha follows her, as they reach to the road Maggie was focus to find Ren and Beth, her eyes were pure red and kept walking

Maggie's thoughts: I will find you Ren and Beth.. I swear..


Ren wakes up inside the prison, it was destroyed and it was full of walkers, Ren got up quickly and was confused about what happened, how did he get in there and last thing he remembered he was fighting the governor. He managed to head in his, Maggie and Beth cell to get their stuff even his katana's, he also saw two necklaces that he hadn't give to Maggie and Beth yet, also a two picture of Maggie and Beth, he take them and his bag. he exits out the prison and saw everywhere was nothing but walkers

Ren: Damn it.. Maggie? Beth..? Carl..

As he looked down at the walkers he started to break down, he thought he lost everyone. He jump down and started killing walkers with his katanas out of sadness and pain of losing everyone he cares about, then he started running, finding a way out other than killing more walkers, he looked left and saw someone who's behind the fence looking down, it was the woman with the ponytails. He walked up to her and he climbed over the fence, he saw she have a pistol so he just look at her

Ren: don't.. Do it

She stay silent

Ren: have you ever fired a shot?

She shake her head

Ren: okay, let's go

He realised she's isn't moving

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