Arnav asked for divorce

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In the evening Kushi was sitting in their room folding clothes . She was thinking of confessing her feelings for Arnav.  

She was buried in her thoughts when she felt Arnav's presence. She smiled and asked ," Shall I bring you coffee?"

Arnav nodded , he was looking tired and a little aloof but Kushi ignored it thinking he must be under pressure.

She quickly prepared his black coffee and tea for herself and went back to the room.

Arnav was sitting on the poolside , he has a file in his hands . On seeing Kushi , he took the tray from her hand and made her sit opposite him . Then he forwarded the file towards her .

Kushi stared at the file at confusion and then started reading its content. As she read the content her eyes got filled with tears . She looked at Arnav in disbelief and slowly said ," Divorce.. papers.."

Arnav avoided having eye contact with her , he got up from his place and turned his back towards her and said ," Kushi , as I said , I will help you catch SJ and now he is in jail . Our relationship was purely formed to catch him . So now I think it's time to free ourselves from this stupid relationship. You know I never wanted to get married , neither do I believe in it so .. it's high time to free ourselves. Then you can find someone who you like and I can be with someone who I like ."

Kushi couldn't believe what she heard . A tear rolled on her cheek. She quickly wiped it as she doesn't want Arnav to see it . She gulped and said ," okay ." 

Arnav turned to her and gave her the pen , he said ," read it carefully and then sign it . I am giving you alimony.. see if it's enough ."

Kushi took the pen and said ," I don't want anything.." then she hurriedly signed the papers and ran away from the room making an excuse that she has some work left in the kitchen. She didn't even wait for Arnav to reply before running out .

When she reached the kitchen she covered her mouth and started crying. 

" Everything was fake , the love that she felt he had for her .. the moments that she lived with him .. the kisses that they shared .. the hugs that gave her warmth.. everything was fake ." She thought while crying.

Later during dinner , Arnav announced it to his family. He also told everyone the truth of his marriage with Kushi .Everyone was shocked . Nani , Mama .. even Mami tried their best to stop this . They ask him to reconsider his decision but he was firm on it . Kushi didn't uttered a word .
Nani said ," Chote , for whatever reason you got  married.. you should at least try to work on it ."

Mami said ," sasuma iz rights."

Arnav said ," so you want us to live in a stupid marriage that we don't want to .. Nani remember you promised me you won't force me on this topic and think .. anyway , we had already signed divorce papers . Soon we will get divorced and I think we both have rights to live our lives happily and we won't be happy if we are together. Already it's suffocating.. and I don't want to suffer more ."

With this he left the table .

Kushi looked at everyone and then said ," Arnavji , is right  .... He married me to protect me and now I don't want him to suffer after doing a good deed .. please try to understand him ."

Kushi also left but she didn't went ot her room but to the terrace as she knew that Arnav must be in room .


Here Arnav was sitting on his recliner closing his eyes when he heard a knock .

He opened his eyes and saw Shyam .

Shyam came inside and patted his shoulders and said ," Good job .. saale shaeb."

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