Angry couples

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Akash dragged payal into their room and said in broken voice  ," Why did you take such a risk .. didn't you think about me .. what if something has happened to you ?.. how would I live  without you ?".
He finally poured out the words that he wanted to say .

Payal heart melted hearing her husband's concern . Now her mature self took over . She said ," Sorry , I didn't think much .. Akashji .. I am sorry for shouting earlier but we are life partners I want to share everything with you even the risks but here you were not sharing anything with me .. it also involved my sister and our families.. I know you and Arnavji can protect us but we are also scared.. scared to lose you too.. if you can't live without me .. how can I live without you ?".
With this she started crying. Akash couldn't be more angry with his wife . He hugged her and said ," sorry payalji , I promise from today I won't  hide anything from you but you have to do the same . "

Payal agreed. They both finally understood each other's intention and the reason why they took such actions ... Because they love each other .

.............. ..................................................


Arnav dragged Kushi inside and Locked the door .

Arnav was shouting ," How could you be so brainless ? How could you ? Till yesterday you were so scared to face him and today you did such a stupidity.. what if he ..? .. Dammit why don't you sit in the house and let me take care of the things ."

Now Kushi was also angry ," I am not a weak women, yes I got scared because I didn't want him to harm anyone because of me but I realised that it's useless to be scared of him .. I wanted to close his chapter and if I had told you before , would you allow me to take such risk .. would you have trusted me .. that I can do it ."

" No , because see how you did it .. he pointed a gun on you ," Arnav claimed

" So didn't anything went wrong when you tried to catch him ... Accidents are inevitable .. but see nothing happened right and we also caught him ," Kushi said .

" You are unbelievable, I don't want to talk with you anymore ," Arnav said and he took his clothes to get changed . Arnav and Kushi refused to say anything further and just went to sleep facing each other's back.

The next day , Arnav got the call from commissioner stating that they found all the proof against Aditya's involvement in drug dealings . They also found that the private numbers from which Kushi used to recieve messages are also under his name but Aditya's mental state is not good . He is not in condition to give a statement so he is sent to hospital for treatment.


Arnav , Akash , payal and Kushi revealed about Aditya to the family .

Shyam cried hearing about brother's
Crimes . He even apologized to Kushi . While Anjali and others consoled him .

He said in his mind ," because of you kushiji and Saale sahab I lost my business and also had to send my brother to jail . You have to pay for it .. just wait and watch what I will do ."


Arnav and Kushi were not talking with each other m they were both angry . In the morning Arnav even refused to have the black tea prepared by Kushi making her more angry .

Arnav didn't even had breakfast and went to his office while Kushi also didn't ate properly. She just sat at the dinning table because everyone was watching her .

All Raizada's noticed this . They knew why Arnav is angry so they decided to hatch a plan for making up the couple.

In the A.R , today can be considered as  gloomy day . Their boss is shouting nonstop since morning and whoever came into his sight is gone . Even his P.A Aman was keeping his distance with him .

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