chapter forty-six

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Chapter 46: Isn't It Worth Trying?

Yang (I.N) Jeongin✅️ just posted...

N) Jeongin✅️ just posted

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i.n._ my debut day with my closest friends <3

❤️liked by ch.binnie, puppy_min00_ and 350.7k others • 🗨 5.7k comments

innies_girlyy: FINALLY!!😭

jwhypeeshispants: so proud of you innie! this was a long time coming <3

gonnabemeee: amazing performance, as we expecteddd!!

_mothman8._.8_: we will always support you!


Today is the day. The day of Yang Jeongin's debut as I.N. His debut stage was what he'd been waiting on for much longer than expected, but why was he so nervous? Back-up dancers were stretching before their final rehearsal and Jeongin was slightly doing the same, but he was too eager for when his friends would finally step through the door.

What he didn't expect, was Felix arriving before anyone else. "Innie! Come here, I needed to show you something. We have time right?" Jeongin looked at his choreographer and he just gave a thumbs up. Jeongin smiled at him thankfully, before getting up and following Felix out to the hallway. 

He was pleasantly surprised to see all of his friends standing around in the hallway. Changbin held up a large cake with candles and the words, "Happy Debut Day, I.N!" in icing. "Surprise!" Everyone exclaimed and Jeongin almost teared up. "You guys.." can't cry, can't cry, make-up artist noona would kill me- Jeongin sniffed loudly and smiled wide.

"Awh man, I love you guys." Blowing out the candles, Jeongin hugged the closest person. Who happened to be Hyunjin, who was teary himself. "We love you too, Innie!! We brought enough cake to share with the entire crew!" Chan exclaimed, "Ofcourse, It'll have to wait until after the performance, yes?" 

Jeongin nodded and led them all back into the green room. Once everything was settled, they all participated in the last practice. Aside from Felix, ofcourse. Though he wished he could've joined his friends, he knew it would do no one any good. Plus, this view of Hyunjin was pretty glorious, he must say. 

The choreographer let everyone know the show would start in ten minutes and so Felix left to sit in the audience and the other guys went to change into the back-up dancer costumes. Changbin was the first to return, with five minutes left until the show began. He looked around, finally spotting Jeongin among the other dancers backstage, looking a little lost. 

"What's wrong?" 

Jeongin jumped at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. "Oh- Binnie, you scared me." Changbin smiled, reaching up to caress the back of Jeongin's neck. "Lay on your woes, my dear." Jeongin laughed, wrapping an arm around Changbin. "I don't know what you mean.." Changbin narrowed his eyes, "I know that look.."

"You're worried." Man, Jeongin loved and hated how well Changbin could read him. It was like Jeongin was Changbin's favorite book. The raven sighed, "I-I'm just.. worried that maybe it won't be like I imagine, that I'll mess up, that-" Changbin shushed him gently, "Jeongin, no. You have practiced this inside and out, you have got this, I have no doubts."

"And if it's not everything you'd hoped...  Then you try again. You move on, find a new dream." Changbin booped Jeongin's nose, earning a small laugh. "But here's my question for you, what if it is all you'd hoped? Then, isn't it worth trying?" Jeongin processed those words, isn't it worth trying? "How are you always so wise?"

"I'm just cool like that, ow-!" Jeongin had smacked Changbin on the side of his arm with a laugh. "Don't let it go to your head, darling." The two shared laughs, before settling into comfortable eye-contact. "Thank you, Binnie. I love you." That was the first time either had said it, though it was something they'd wanted to say for forever now..

It took Changbin by surprise, but then his heart swelled and he couldn't help, but smile. "I love you too." Changbin pulled Jeongin closer, about to meet his lips with his own, when.. "Alright everyone! Last call, shows starting!" The two grumbled and pulled away, but before Jeongin could leave, Changbin grabbed him and gave him a soft peck before running off.

Jeongin sighed longingly, "I really do love that man..."


"That performance was epic!! I was so glad I wasn't the only one going ham in those seats!"

The group laughed at Felix who was still gushing about the performance. They were all headed to have a celebratory dinner now, after celebrating with the rest of the crew. A bit of cake wasn't all that filling though, so dinner was in order! "That was genuinely so fun. The energy was awesome!" Jisung jumped in, swinging Minho and his hands excitedly.

"I'm definitely bummed I missed out... We could record a dance cover sometime though!" Jisung nodded excitedly, eyes sparkling. Speaking of sparkling, Jeongin absolutely was. It was everything he'd hoped it'd be. The fans were sweet, having his friends on stage with him was comforting, and getting to sing and dance his heart out? Epic, indeed.

All the feelings rushed in and Jeongin stopped abruptly in his tracks. They were only two blocks from the restaurant. "Innie?" Changbin questioned, having stopped too. The rest of the group also stopped, looking behind them curiously. "Oh! Innie, why are you crying?" Felix exclaimed, moving closer to the younger and resting his hand on his shoulder. 

Jeongin wasn't so sure himself, but seeing his friends like this and knowing they are so ingrained in his life... His boyfriend that he genuinely believes that one day he'll marry.. Getting to have the performance of his life? It was all so overwhelming. "I-I'm just s-so happy!" Jeongin exclaims through his tears, throwing his arms around Felix.

"Awh man.. Y-You're gonna make me cry!" Felix says, holding onto the younger tight. Jisung and Chan hugged the two of them tight. Everyone was teary now, hearing the youngest's cries. They stayed like that a while until Jeongin calmed down and with puffy eyes he smiled at them all. "Stay with me forever?" 

Jeongin felt a familiar hand in his own, looking over, he's met with his boyfriend's sweet eyes. "You don't have to ask us twice."

"Hear, hear!"

"You can say that again."

"You won't be able to get rid of us."


four more chapters to go :0

remember to drink water and take care of yourself today, you are so loved! <3

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