chapter three

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Chapter 3: Is This What The Kids Call Flirting?

hwa.hyunjin_ followed you back!

hwa.hyunjin_ liked your post ..
hwa.hyunjin_ liked your post ..
hwa.hyunjin_ liked your post ..

hwa.hyunjin_ requested to chat!

hwa.hyunjin_: hi! this is felix from SKZ right?
hwa.hyunjin_: i hope you dont mind, i saw you've been following me and
hwa.hyunjin_: maybe you wanted to be friends?

Meme Team

felix_cious_: omf
felix_cious_: omfomfomfomf

han_nie_: felix, dear, you okay?

felix_cious_: he followed me back-
felix_cious_: he liked some of my posts-

han_nie_: you dont mean-

felix_cious_: YES.

i.n._: ooohh this should be good!
i.n._: did you text him back??

felix_cious_: n o

puppy_min00_: and w h y not???

felix_cious_: pretty boys that want to be your friend are s c a r y

han_nie_: this is true
han_nie_: but lixie, you said you just admire him, whats the big deal?

felix_cious_: i
felix_cious_: i dont know

i.n._: dont leave him on read!!!

felix_cious_: omf your right-


felix_cious_ accepted your chat request..

felix_cious_: hi, hyunjin! sorry about that-
felix_cious_: i was just surprised you followed me back, you're very influential on social media

hwa.hyunjin_: no worries! i understand!
hwa.hyunjin_: i mean .. we've met in person and i really like your style so i dont see why not
hwa.hyunjin_: you can just ignore my posts aha

felix_cious_: why in tf would i do that?
felix_cious_: you create wonderful content

hwa.hyunjin_: aha well, thank you
hwa.hyunjin_: i actually wanted to ask

felix_cious_: hm?

hwa.hyunjin_: do you really think my smile is contagious?
hwa.hyunjin_: i ask because
hwa.hyunjin_: and dont laugh
hwa.hyunjin_: its been on my mind and i cant stop think about whether you meant it or not

felix_cious_: why wouldn't i mean it?
felix_cious_: you make girls swoon just by looking at them

hwa.hyunjin_: i suppose ...
hwa.hyunjin_: i dont really care about what girls think though
hwa.hyunjin_: i care more about what cute boys with blue hair think

felix_cious_: i-
felix_cious_: boy quit playin like that lmao
felix_cious_: im just telling you what is common knowledge

hwa.hyunjin_: ah well, if its common knowledge...


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han_nie_: i just had the most brilliant idea!

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