chapter nine

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Chapter 9: He Dances Beautifully, Bro

stz gay kids

i.n._: so...
i.n_: my birthday is next month and you guys are like ... the only friends I have so...
i.n_: wanna do a get together for my birthday? i have mario party and i will be stacking up on snacks

hwa.hyunjin_: you know im always down innie!!

puppy_min00_: its the day the most precious bean was born, ofc im coming to celebrate!!

han_nie_: agreed! plus it'd be the first time we all hang out together!

felix_cious_: what day and time? im worried school and work would get in the way for me :(

i.n._: well... my birthday is the 8th, so i was thinking of doing it then? how does 5:30pm sound?

ch.binnie: ill be free that day. we have a shoot early in the day, but the rest of the day should be all clear

bg.chan: i will make sure im free that day

felix_cious_: one of my classes that day will run late .. i might be fahionably late, but i will head immediately over after class! send me your address?

i.n._: address sent to everyone just now!
i.n._: ...except for lee know

bg.chan: ohh.. ya know, he hasnt been online today :/

felix_cious_: yeahh, i noticed that..

han_nie_: do you guys know where he is at least?

bg.chan: oh, he's supposedly still at the studio, just told me now

puppy_min00_: is he stuck there doing extra work?

bg.chan: noo, i make sure not to give him too much.
bg.chan: i think he's working on a photography project?

han_nie_: photography project?

bg.chan: yeah! its a secret project of his, i have no idea what it's about

felix_cious_: oh wow! THE bang chan, minho's best friend, doesn't know something about him?

bg.chan: heyyy
bg.chan: i dont have to know everything about him..


Jisung wasn't one to be nosy, especially with strangers. However, often times, his friends business was always his business. So maybe that's why Jisung has decided to snoop in on Minho. They were friends right? ... Jisung was hopeful they were, anyway. Plus, he was already at SKZ, helping Chan with some errands, and now he was on break, so snooping was in order. 

Jisung wandered around the studio hall peering his head into every studio, but not finding Minho as fast as he wanted to. Just as he was about to give up, Jisung peered into the second to last door on the left, when he finally heard some clicking of a camera. Finally! Jisung thought excitedly to himself. Sneaking in quietly, Jisung caught sight of Minho and hid behind a large rack loaded with stands for lights. 

Minho was alone, yet he was taking pictures of something and Jisung couldn't quite see what it was. Jisung then noticed that Minho wasn't actually behind the camera, he had a timer and motion capture set up. Even more curious, Jisung pushed the rack forward a bit to see the other better. Now that Minho was fully in view, Jisung could see he was taking personal pictures of himself dancing. 

At first he was just dancing quietly to music in his own head, reviewing a step before turning to his cell to play the song and start over. As he danced, the camera would click with almost every movement. Then, Minho would check the monitor to review the photos before he'd redo an action pose or redo an entire part. 

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