chapter forty-two

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Chapter 42: A Match Made In The Stars

skz gay kids

han_nie_: i wonder if maybe we're too silly

felix_cious_: how could you say that!

i.n._: one could never be too silly

puppy_min00_: atleast not here

han_nie_: hehe, im just kidding

_leeknow: never change sungie :)

bg.chan: cheese

puppy_min00_: says you, mister cheeseball himself

_leeknow: im only a cheeseball for jisung ✊🏻 sorry not sorry

han_nie_: dhjakdj

hwa.hyunjin_: arent yall supposed to be working?

i.n._: meh..i didn't have any shoots today, but ive been practicing like crazy, i think im debuting this month!!
i.n._: btw!! have yall been practicing? 👀

_leeknow: despite all the mess lately.. yes, i have been practicing :)

hwa.hyunjin_: saaaame

felix_cious_: well.. im not really allowed to make any unnecessary arm movements
felix_cious_: but i was! practicing i mean
felix_cious_: and i watched hyunjinnie practice a few times while i was on house arrest

ch.binnie: i practice with you, love soo

bg.chan: minnie and i have been practicing too!

puppy_min00_: chan is the only reason i remember lol

han_nie_: ive practiced a bit too
han_nie_: mostly w min :P

i.n._: wahhh im so proud of you guysss 🥺🥺
i.n._: and guess what

hwa.hyunjin_: SLAYYYY

felix_cious_: i hope ill be performance ready atp😅

i.n._: i mean it really depends ..huh?

felix_cious_: yeahh, im supposed to have the sling on for a while longer and then physical therapy so

ch.binnie: maybe we can figure something out??

bg.chan: but also dont push yourself lix, you have a serious injury
bg.chan: if you need to sit this out, thats okay! just remember your limits

puppy_min00_: exactlyy

felix_cious_: pssh.. okayy
felix_cious_: id be really bummed to miss out though :/

hwa.hyunjin_: i could always sit it out with you babe?

felix_cious_: babe .. 😳
felix_cious_: ANYGAY
felix_cious_: i wouldnt ask you to do that hyun, i love watching you dance too much

i.n._: like watchin him dance eh? 😏

puppy_min00_: quite a statement there 😏

felix_cious_: 😒

bg.chan: lmao

han_nie_: oop brb

felix_cious_: oh?

puppy_min00_: probably had some errands to run

hwa.hyunjin_: thats right! i was wonderinggg
hwa.hyunjin_: when does his internship end?? when is his first actual day?????

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