chapter thirty-eight

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Chapter 38: It Inspires Me

skz gay kids

felix_cious_: every one has the address, yeah?

ch.binnie: yep! innie and i are on our way

bg.chan: im closing up here, should be there soon too 

han_nie_: min and i are picking up a few things and then we'll be on our way

_leeknow: get ready, we're comin for you lix

felix_cious_: ay-ay cap'n 🫡


Felix smiled at his phone, putting it down on the coffee table before leaning back into his armchair again. It was exciting to be with his friends again, even if he still felt pretty crumby. When he got out of the hospital, he was glad, but now he was stuck with the feeling of his body still healing without .. magical drugs. 

It's been a little over two weeks now since he was stabbed, but he was told it wouldn't fully heal itself for another 2 and a half months. While the top layer of skin was already scarred, there was still a deep ache that kept reminding Felix that his arm was a little useless at the moment. They had put his arm in a sling that restricted movement and it was quite annoying. 

The rib isn't supposed to take too long to heal, but he wasn't allowed to lift heavy or do extraneous work for another two weeks at least. The doctor was willing to push another week because of the slight lung puncture, but Felix's lung was surprisingly healing very fast. Perhaps it was because they caught it so fast?

Felix was grateful, but he was still rather grumpy. He hated staying still and having others take care of him. He's an independent man! ... But he had to admit, having Hyunjin around him all the time was definitely a plus. Speaking of.. Hyunjin was in the kitchen making tea for everyone and now Felix was staring at him as he did so.

His perfect black hair swayed side to side as he moved and a giant gray cardigan blanketed him comfortably. Hyunjin kinda looked like a fluffy ghost and only if Hyunjin hadn't banished him to stay in this chair.. He'd have wrapped his arms around him and held him tight as he could. It was odd and comfortable how domestic and normal it all felt.

Hyunjin turned to check on Felix, only to see the blondes round eyes already staring at him fondly. Felix's hair was let loose and wild, face devoid of make-up, and he was completely covered in blankets. Felix looked like a fluffy cinnamon roll, minus the arm wrapped in a splint poking out like an awkward tree branch. 

Hyunjin smiled, picking up two mugs of tea and moving to sit beside Felix on the couch just beside the chair. "Hey there handsome, tea?" Felix flushed and smiled, "Yes, please. Thank you." Hyunjin handed the mug to Felix, taking a sip of his own. "How are you feeling? Are the boys on their way?" Felix nodded and took a sip. 

"I feel okay, sore obviously, but I'm glad you're here and yeah, they are. Seeing our friends will make me happy too, I'm sure." The tea was beautiful and Felix's heart went haywire, recognizing that Hyunjin made it just the way he liked it. "You made it .. just like I do." Hyunjin beamed, triumphant in his feat. "You like it? I tried to follow the last few times I'd seen you make it."

Hyunjin watched as Felix's eyes continued to sparkle. "It's perfect, Hyunjin. You are amazing." Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders and smiled sheepishly. "I only did what you usually do.." Felix laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, but I'm incredibly picky about it and you nailed it. That means everything. To me at least."

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