chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Jeongin !! (Pt. 2)

It was finally the day the boys would be hanging out together! Not just behind a screen or at work, but in a homey atmosphere. Jeongin's flat to be specific. Jeongin was absolutely ecstatic all day and was even more hyper as soon as Hyunjin showed up to help decorating the space for his birthday. It was an hour before the rest were supposed to arrive when Changbin showed up, very early with a plain red boxes in his hands. "Changbin?" Jeongin asked, his face scrunched up in confusion. "Why are you here so early? I thought you said you would be like ... five minutes late?" Changbin peaked out from behind the boxes with a nervous smile, but still visibly happy to see the youngest. "Surprise!" Changbin tried to scoot into the flat without tipping the boxes. "I only said that because I wanted to surprise you really." Jeongin offered to take two of the four boxes which Changbin graciously accepted. 

"Well that's really silly, but thank you. What's with the boxes though?" Jeongin asked as he placed them on the kitchen island. Changbin did the same while giving a mischievous smile. "That too, is a surprise! You'll have to wait and see when the other boys get here." Jeongin groaned and punched Changbin's shoulder playfully. "You're killing me! Who knew you were so big on surprises?" Changbin rubbed his shoulder and shrugged. "It's a tradition in my family, actually. If someone's not being thrown a surprise party, we make sure there's still a few elements of surprise. It makes it more fun and keeps you on your toes." Jeongin smiled thoughtfully at that. It was a good point and it was actually fun. "Now, what else do y'all need help with before the other partygoers get here?" 

Felix was the last to arrive, but as soon as he'd arrived he was greeted with cheers and a big hug from the birthday boy. Jeongin was smiling ear to ear, a little blue ribbon that said birthday boy was pinned to his shirt and a blue glittery party hat sat atop his pink hair. Felix was offered a party hat too, which he gladly snapped on his head. With everyone's party hats secured, Changbin called everyone to the kitchen so he could finally reveal his surprise for Jeongin. The first three boxes were full of food that he and Chan had worked together on, with the help of Hyunjin who knew all of Jeongin's favorite foods. "THAT'S WHAT THE CHEESY FOODS WAS ABOUT!?" Jisung shouted excitedly, shaking Jeongin by the shoulders. Jeongin's eyes were sparkling and Changbin melted at the adorable look on his face. "You guys really made all this for me?" 

"Ofcourse! It's your first birthday with us so we wanted to make it extra special!" Chan said, patting Jeongin on the back fondly. "That's why Hyunjin said to just worry about chips and drinks?!" Jeongin said, punching a laughing Hyunjin on the shoulder. "Well .. Duh, why would you want more food than any of us can consume?" Hyunjin remarked. "Thank you guys, so much." Jeongin said in a way that had all his friends gushing over him. "Awh it's no worries, Innie!" Jisung said. Changbin picked up the last box, a sheepish smile on his face as he brought it to Jeongin. "There's just one more thing,  I hope you like it the most."  Jeongin looked around at everyone anticipated faces and then back at Changbin. 

He carefully opened the box to reveal a beautifully decorated cake with the words Happy Jeongin Day in beautiful cursive writing. "I-I'm not much of a baker, so I got a lot of pointers from Felix. Do you think it looks alright?" Changbin asked and everyone waited for Jeongin's reaction. "You made this? By yourself?" Jeongin asked, which made Felix scoff. "Yes! All by himself, the stubborn bastard. He wanted to do it all by himself." Changbin cowered a bit behind the open lid of the box and nodded. Jeongin stared in awe, taking the box from Changbin's hand and putting it down before giving Changbin the biggest bear hug. "Ofcourse it looks alright! Are you kidding?! Not a baker my ass!" Everyone laughed at that, even Changbin as he held Jeongin tight. 

"Thank you, it's beautiful." Jeongin muttered just for Changbin's ears and the older felt happier than he ever had. "Anything for you.

After the boys ate some food, they all gathered in the living room for a competitive game of Mario Kart while Jeongin's hair was sitting in bleach and by the time they finished their game, Jeongin was victorious with newly blonde and toned hair. They took some pictures, mostly of Changbin flexing with Hyunjin and Jeongin hanging from his arms with amazed expressions. It was rather comical since Hyunjin was a whole head taller then Changbin and Jeongin was maybe half of one. Changbin posted it as the others had posted their own pictures with Jeongin for his birthday and within seconds, Seungmin had made a comment that now had Changbin chasing the other around the room in threat of hitting him with a frying pan.

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