chapter thirty-two

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Chapter 32: "And Another Thing-!"

"Are you sure I look okay?" 

Jisung fidgeted with his shirt and Minho laughed, moving Jisung's hands away to fix the collar to his button up that he'd just ruffled a bit. "You look perfect, as always, Sungie." Jisung pouted slightly, crossing his arms as a light blush dusted his cheeks. Minho couldn't stop himself from gently squishing the youngers cheeks. 

The two were waiting in front of the sandwich shop they'd agreed to meet at for their triple date. Jisung and Minho were both not very social people, but when it came to their friends, they could endure going out like this. It didn't help Jisung's fussiness when it came to how he was dressed, however. Minho found it adorable.

"Seriously, you look great Jisung." Jisung pouted still, sticking out his tongue playfully. Minho laughed at the youngers behavior. "You're adorable, you know that?" Jisung flushed, hiding his face in his hands. "You can't just say thatt.." Jisung whined, making Minho laugh again. "Why not? I can't say my boyfriend is the most precious person I've ever met?"

Jisung couldn't respond and only let out a little squeak, feeling his ears burning. Minho pulled him close by his waist, laying a soft kiss on Jisung's hands. "Be a confident gay they said, it'll be easy they said.." Jisung said, lightly muffled from behind his hands. Minho laughed again, "Who said being a confident gay was easy?"

Jisung pulled his hands away from his face rather face, pointing at Minho accusingly. "You make it look so easy! How are you so confident at this?" Minho thought about it and smiled, kissing Jisung's forehead. Jisung met his eyes and immediately wanted to shrink away, the loving look in his eyes was intimidating. 

"Well, for starters, being confident is all about faking it, darling. I'm not confident, but seeing you react like this is definitely motivating." Jisung squeaked again, but didn't hide. "Every time we touch or you look at me, my heart feels like it'll beat out of my chest." Minho took one of Jisung's hands and placed it over his heart. 

Jisung laughed lightly, the feeling of Minho's fast beating heart calming him some. "You make me comfortable, but you also drive me crazy, Sung." Jisung flushed again, but a large smile spread across his face. "In a good way I hope?" Jisung asked, a teasing lilt to his tone. Minho smiled too, pulling Jisung closer if he could.

"Always in a good way." 

The two were leaning in for a kiss when a shout interrupted them and they looked over to see Chan and Seungmin approaching them. "Hey love birds!" Chan greeted happily. Minho rolled his eyes, "Hi guys." Jisung smiled and greeted them happily. Their greetings were night and day, but the way they were practically plastered to each other screamed chemistry. 

"No Jeongin or Changbin yet?" The other two shook their heads, no. Chan shrugged, "Well, we could at least go inside and get us a table before it's too busy?" They all went inside, following the hostess to a table and sitting down. They ordered drinks, but waited to order food for when the last two got there.

Pretty soon after they got their drinks, Chan spotted their two stranglers and began to wave embarrassingly big so they could see where they were. Changbin spotted them and pulled an oblivious Jeongin to the table. "Hey you two! What took so long?" Seungmin asked, closing his menu and passing it to Jeongin. 

The other two shrugged, "Traffic was kind of a mess? It's like as soon as we have a break from the stormy weather, people forget how to drive?" Changbin said, before ordering drinks for Jeongin and himself. After they got their drinks, their server came back and ordered their food before speeding off to take another order. 

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