chapter seventeen

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Chapter 17: You Must Be A Fine Wine, Cause We Pair Well!

Chan was nervous. Probably the most nervous he's ever been in his life, excluding being in doctors offices. He had planned for this, so he knew it would be fine and run smooth like butter. (hehe) But nothing could prepare him for how handsome Seungmin would look, or how his smile, that he reserved just for him, would cause him to melt entirely. They were finally going on their first date, having taken the time to do so on Valentine's Day. Neither were terribly crazy about the holiday, but something about being with one another made them feel cheesy.

"So what's the plan, Mr. Bahng?" Seungmin said with a small laugh. Chan had been desperately trying to focus on driving instead of the beauty in his passenger seat, that he almost missed the question. "Now that, is a surprise, Minnie." Seungmin pouted slightly, acting like he was disappointed, but Seungmin actually preferred it this way. He didn't mind what they did, as long as he was with Chan. "Awh, don't give me that face, love. You'll find out soon, I promise." Seungmin said nothing, but smiled, showing he wasn't all that bothered. 

Chan and Seungmin singing along to the playlist Chan made for the drive. Seungmin thought it was adorable that Chan took the time to make a playlist for their drive and Chan hoped it was up to snuff. After a little while of singing obnoxiously and watching the city go by, Chan asked Seungmin to put on a blindfold. "Well that's not suspicious at all! You planning to kill me?" Seungmin said, putting on the blindfold regardless.

Chan laughed, "Absolutely not!" The two were quiet again, Seungmin trying to figure out where they were headed in his head and Chan trying not to laugh. Parking in their location, Chan turns off the car and grabs what he needs before going around to the other side of the car to help Seungmin out of the car. "You best not let me fall, Channie. I swear to Thor, he will smite you where you stand." Chan laughed nervously at that as he carefully guided him.

Seungmin noticed the dusty, yet sweet smell of grass that had just been freshly rained on. There was a chilly breeze, but it wasn't too bad with the windbreaker he wore. They finally stopped after a little while, Chan loosening the blindfold before pulling it off. Seungmin let his eyes adjust to the lighting, a small picnic on a table and a fire pit glowing with fairy lights all around in the trees. The sun was setting, casting an orange and pink glow to everything around them. 

"Surprise! What do you think?" Chan said, with dramatic gestures. Seungmin was at a loss for words, "I- I- .. Wow.." Seungmin said with a dreamy sigh. Chan laughed out of relief, "Is that a bad wow or a good wow?" He teased. Seungmin looked at him with wide and sparkling eyes, "Good wow, amazed wow." Ah, the teasing went right over his head.. and that made Chan laugh again.

"Well.. I'm glad you like it. I made food for us." Chan smiled and Seungmin swears he almost kissed him right there. The two sat down by the fire on their picnic blanket and Chan starts pulling food out of his comically large picnic basket. Seungmin noticed a lot of it wasn't just Seungmin's favorite foods, but Chan's too. At this the younger couldn't help but smile wide at the warm feeling he got in his chest. 

"You remember my favorites!" Seungmin said excitedly and Chan seemed to nod just as excitedly. "Ofcourse! How could I forget?" The two then peacefully ate in light conversation the whole time. Even after the sun was gone and the food was all gone, Chan poked the fire and kept it going. They continued to talk late into the night, even at one point talking about their feelings for each other. 

"We've known each other for how many years and we just now decided to tell each other our feelings?" Chan said with an exasperated shake of his head. "I know! I've liked you since .. before high school for goodness sake! You could've asked me to the senior dance!" Seungmin exclaims, just as exasperated. Chan perked up at this, "The senior dance? You hated dances, Minnie. Said so our entire time in school together!" 

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