chapter twenty-five

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Chapter 25: Happy Birthday Hyunjin!!! Pt. 2

Felix was finishing up for the day and was supposed to drive to Hyunjin's right after. They had a shoot today, mostly requested by Miroh Magazine as a birthday treat, but then a mini shoot for Minho who had been working hard on the magazine since it's been proposed. Ofcourse Hyunjin would be front cover! Minho silently hoped Jeongin could too, but it was wishful thinking.

As Felix was taking off his badge and hanging it in his locker, he heard a strange noise from outside the employee lounge in the hallway. The blonde pulled his hand away from his locker slowly, listening closely for the sound again. When he heard nothing he felt uneasy, but shrugged it off. 

It was the end of the day for most, so studios were shut off, offices were locked and lights were off in most of the building. The employee lounge and the hallway/lobby area were the only main areas lit up. There were a few stragglers, but for the most part Felix was alone, waiting for Hyunjin to return from changing his clothes and wiping any remnants of makeup he had left.

Felix was clocking out when from the corner of his eye he can see the hallway light go out. He whipped his head over to confirm that it was indeed dark beyond the doorway. Maybe the sensor light decided they needed to be off? Felix thought hopefully to himself, but even the hopeful thinking couldn't deter the bad vibes he was getting.

Something told him that he needed to check up on Minho. He placed his bag down on the employee table rather quickly, before speed walking out into the dark hallway. The stylist looked around carefully for a moment before speed walking to Minho's office. He noticed his lights were still on, but he also noticed someone dressed in all black standing at the window.

Felix froze, unsure if he knew who that person was. "Hey, what are you doing there!" Felix asked rather loudly, startling the strange person who immediately began to bolt. Felix ran after him, but lost him as he ran out an emergency door setting off the alarm. Felix was gasping for air by the time he reached the door and silenced the alarm. 

The mysterious person was gone almost as fast as Felix had seen him and Felix had a bad feeling about it all. "D-Did I just see a ghost?" His phone went off in his pocket, he was getting a call from Hyunjin. Picking it up, he tried to calm his breathing enough to speak clearly. "H-Hey, Hyunjin-"

"Felix! Where are you! Why is the hallway all dark?"



"Sorry I just thought I saw someone.. The light does that sometimes, don't worry too much."

"You saw someone?"

"Well .. I think so, they ran out the back though."

"Uhhh... That's concerning, right?"

"A b-bit yeah.." 

"Okay, well, I'll call Chan in the car for you, but get your ass back over here, I'm freaking out a bit right now."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming back now."

"Good! .. Bye!"

Hyunjin hung up almost immediately making Felix laugh a little. The stylist took one last puzzled look at the emergency exit before jogging back to the employee lounge. He should probably tell Minho about this too..


Hyunjin decided that he needed to hang out with Felix waaaay more. After their whole spook at the company building, they immediately got back into the celebration spirit. Once they arrived at Hyunjin's apartment, Hyunjin went to change again before returning to help Felix decorate and set up the planned movies and snack table. 

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