chapter thirty-one

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Chapter 31 : Hyunlix Wedding Plans

"Okay. Yep. Thank you so much. Alright, have a good night."

Chan sighed, hanging up the call and placing his cell on his desk. Today has been a long day. Seungmin glanced up from his computer, giving Chan a curious look. "What did the sheriff say?" Chan deflated in his chair, processing a moment before he could really say for sure. The two were in Chan's apartment, doing their work for after hours there.

Chan made it clear he didn't want anyone to be at the company building after hours and was going to exempt himself from the rule.. Until Seungmin refused to let him stay there alone with security. So, now the both of them stay at Chan's house and get work done together. It's been pretty good for their relationship, which is a definite plus.

The situation, however.. It's been two days since the incident with Minho's car, and Chan has been stressed. "He said they still couldn't find the culprit who broke Minho's window. The security cameras were blacked out again.. They're starting to think that someone who works at SKZ is helping cover for this person."

Seungmin nodded thoughtfully. "The cameras.. knowing how the lights in the hallways work.. It's definitely suspicious." Chan stayed quiet, and Seungmin could see the cogs turning in his brain. The room was silent for a while, and usually, it wouldn't worry Seungmin all that much, but Chan's furrowed brows and tense body language were concerning.

"Chan." Chan startled out of his thoughts, looking at his boyfriend and offering a nervous smile. Seungmin scooted over and held the other's hands in his own. "Look, I'm sure Sheriff Hongjoong can handle this. They will figure it out. You can't let this consume you, okay? We have other things to stress about, so let's worry about that first, yeah?" 

Chan sighed, trying to relax his shoulders and his locked jaw. "I suppose you're right..." Chan began, "But the thing is, I have a hunch. I already know who's responsible, a hunch that I know what they're trying to do. I just can't shake it." Seungmin was slightly taken aback by that. What does he mean, he has a hunch?

Chan laughed lightly at the look on Seungmin's face. "I already told Hongjoong my suspicions. He shares them, too. I'm worried that if it's true.. well, it could be bigger than we thought." Chan looked away, glancing out the window where it continued to storm on. It's still raining, I wonder when this storm will pass us.. Chan thought to himself.

Chan turns back to Seungmin, a warm smile growing on his face as he reaches up and pokes Seungmin on the cheek. "Regardless, you're right. I'll let Hongjoong deal with it. Let's stress about this magazine for now. I'm determined to get it published so all our hard work amounts to the greatness I know it'll be."

Seungmin laughed lightly at the poke and nodded, "Good, but you'll have to let me in on those hunches of yours. You being that all-knowing is spooky." Chan laughed too, shrugging his shoulders. "Or you'll have to wait and see?" His boyfriend rolled his eyes and pinched his cheek rather hard. "Keeping things from your boyfriend! For shame!"

Chan pulled Seungmin's hand away, laughing harder now. "Okay! Okay! I'll tell  you, but another time, okay? Plus, it won't matter if it's just a hunch." Seungmin made a hmph sound and laid back in his chair, crossing his arms sassily. Chan watched his boyfriend with amused and loving eyes. 

"I love you."

".. I love you too, jerk."


skz gay kids

felix_cious_: so

i.n._: so?

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