chapter forty-one

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Chapter 41: "T'was A Mere Flesh Wound!"

It's been a two weeks since Minho's stalker had been caught and thrown behind bars. Similarly, Shownu was proven guilty to leaking SKZ footage and fraternizing with criminals, however, he was let off with warning when there evidence suggesting he was being blackmailed with his own family.

Shownu was offered his job At SKZ again, but he refused, saying it really wasn't his scene and he had other things he wanted to do with his life. Now he was free to do that, so he would. Though he was grateful to the work Shownu had put into the company, despite the .. mess, Chan didn't argue, he didn't really know the guy anyway. 

Park Junyo was thankfully put behind bars right next to his assassin. It was found he was involved in a lot of other cold cases, as well as a peculiar drug channel the police weren't aware of. The drug channel was something of a dead end, but Seonghwa felt there was something else brewing underneath the surface. 

The case was closed, regardless of the detectives suspicions and it seemed all was getting back to normal again. Junyo's entire company went under, filing for bankruptcy after being sued successfully by SKZ. That left Chan with a high sum of money to do with as he pleased! He wasn't sure what to do with it yet, but he knew they were set for a long time now.

Minho and Jisung were perfectly fine. Though they started some therapy sessions, curtesy of the police department, to help them deal with anything they needed to work through! The same deal was offered to everyone in the company in fact and some took the opportunity while some left it be.

The two almost immediately went back to work, though they were only half days, as Chan wouldn't allow them any more than that. They spent most of their free time together though, talking with each other about it all and supporting one another through their feelings and trauma ... With Soonie, Doongie and Dori, ofcourse.

Shoots are continuing on as normal now, Felix and Hyunjin having returned a few days after the final confrontation. To say everyone was happy they were back, is somewhat of an understatement. Everyone had been giving Felix flowers, offering support and help with anything he needed. 

Despite that, Felix had a lot of work cut out for him. A few shoots he was scheduled for before his medical leave were rescheduled because some of the models preferred to be styled by Felix. With him being head stylist, he also needed to tend to a few bits of paperwork that Chan and Minho tried to work on for him, but overall had no time for.

It wasn't too much for Felix, he was just excited to be back at work. In fact, with the past few weeks, he's noticed a new sense of calm in him now. He was pacing himself, caring for himself more, and finding more patience with himself. It was odd, but he knew it was because of his friends and ... Hyunjin. 

Today was a good example, with a relatively heavy schedule and a bit of school work to complete later Felix was in the midst of a busy day. Hyunjin was actually scheduled today and had been texting Felix all morning about being excited to see him at the shoot that afternoon. It made Felix feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Hyunjin wasn't staying with Felix anymore, much to the disappointment of the both of them, but Hyunjin was still there almost all the time. Sometimes he'd even bring Kkami over and it seemed the dog liked no one.. but Felix. The pup barely tolerated Hyunjin, but Felix? It was love at first sight and Hyunjin was 100% jealous. 

"Felix, you're daydreaming again." 

Felix jumped, almost spilling his cup of tea all over him and the employee break room table. "Gods! Hannie, you scared me.." Jisung laughed, taking the seat in front of the blonde. "Maybe you should space out less, then you wouldn't be easy to scare!" Felix rolled his eyes and shook his head with a small smile. 

"Anyway, I just wanted to see how you are doing." Felix sighed, looking over at the wipe board for the hundredth time looking over the busy day. "I'm okay. Little tired, but not like I used to be, so I'd say that's a win?" Jisung nodded, seeming satisfied with that answer. "Good! I'm really glad to hear. What about your arm?" 

Felix glanced at his arm still in a sling and shrugged with one shoulder. "Honestly? If I don't sleep on it or hit it on things.. I kind of forget about it. I mean, I'm only using one hand right now, but it's not too bad." Felix offered a bright smile and Jisung smiled back. "Well, that's good too. I know it must be a little annoying at times, you're stronger than me haha!"

"Oh please.." Felix rolled his eyes and pointed at Jisung's arm that had been grazed by a bullet. "You barely missed getting hit by a bullet and went to work the next day!" Jisung laughed, "T'was a mere flesh wound!" The two laughed for a minute, passing jokes before Hyunjin walked in to clock in and set his stuff down. 

Felix practically lit up at the sight of him, as did Hyunjin when he saw Felix. "Hyunjin!" Felix exclaimed, standing up to give him a hug. "Hi sunshine." Hyunjin greeted as well. Jisung fake gagged and greeted Hyunjin before taking his leave to find Minho. "You ready for today's shoot?" Felix asked.

"You know it!" Hyunjin said with a wink. "Today's shoot has a possibility of making it into the magazine's first issue, but I like what you've done already for the first issue, so this shoot may be saved for the second.. as long as the magazine is a hit, that is." Hyunjin noticed the slight bit of uncertainty in Felix's voice and took his hand into his comfortingly. 

"Hey, don't worry, the promoting starts tomorrow and you know what? It'll be awesome. There's no way we can fail now, okay?" Felix's smiled returned and he nodded, starting to pull Hyunjin to the studio they were assigned. "Anyway, I was wondering.. Would you want to go on that date? Let's say.. tomorrow?"

Felix stopped in his tracks, heat slowly rushing to his cheeks as he remembered that Hyunjin had even asked him that and actually wanted to go on the date! "Duh! I would love that!" Hyunjin laughed and pinched Felix's cheek. "Good! Because I also owe you that hang out from that unfortunate day.. and I want to make it the best to makeup for it!" 

Felix laughed, "You dork.. Just tell me where to be and I'll be there!"


the boys are back to some sort of normalcy! 

we will be getting more dates and more modeling content in out future <3

plot is kind of coming to an ending point, but! i'm thinking once plot is ended here, i'll update this every once in a while for birthdays and maybe another epilogue of sorts? and then carry on to the ateez sequel! 

plot will be plotting a lot more in that one! it'll be more murder mystery and im still tryna figure out how much of it will be texting/social media format, but i think it'll be similar to this :) the social media format is just so fun to make and easy to consume! 

i love you all, im still in awe so many people like my "shit-post" ff lmao

remember im proud of you and drink water! <3

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