chapter four

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Chapter Four: And I Thought I Was The Biggest Flirt

skz gay kids

bg.chan: guess who finally signed with a modeling agency!!!!

han_nie_: well thats unexpected of you chan, congrats!!

hwa.hyunjin_: actually
hwa.hyunjin_: he's talking about me, i just signed to become an official model for SKZ

i.n._: holy shit!! im so happy for you hyunjinnie!!!

felix_cious_: oh!! thats fantastic news, looking forward to working with you in our foreseeable future

hwa.hyunjin_: me too
hwa.hyunjin_: im looking forward to working with you i mean
hwa.hyunjin_: but ofcourse im looking forward to working with everyone else, too!

felix_cious_: lmao, i know what you meant
felix_cious_: anyway, i should clock in since i have a shoot in a little less than an hour
felix_cious_: have a good day guys!


Felix sighed, finally getting the energy to turn off his car and prepare himself to enter his work place. The January air was chilling and Felix had gotten to work way too early, more early than he usually is. He didn't want to blame it on anything, but he's had a lot of trouble sleeping the past week and today was just pushing his limits.

His makeup was packed on, so when he looked in the mirror, it was hard to tell he was even a little bit tired. It was almost unnatural, but alas he couldn't find it in him to care. For the past week he's mostly been trying anything he can to get to sleep, to no avail. Last night though, he just gave up and ended up staring at the ceiling for five hours.

Ofcourse he knew why, but he wasn't willing to admit it to himself. An online project that Felix had taken on for a magazine in ties with SKZ, was asking him to design a fashion panel. He took it, thinking it would be easy, but for the passed week his brain hasn't been able to shut off about it and trying to meet that deadline in three days.

He's gone through many drafts and though he's nearly done, he struggled a lot to get there and he was so impatient to just turn it in so it'd stop stressing him out so much. The perfectionist in him wouldn't let anything be good enough. Hence, the insomnia.

On top of that project, all Felix could think about was Hyunjin. It wasn't impeding his work, but anytime he'd have a moment of silence, thoughts of Hyunjin would get louder. The two had been talking for two weeks now and the more Felix learns about the model, he's not just a pretty face and person he admires, but a drop dead gorgeous individual with an even more beautiful personality.

How could Felix not fall for the guy?

Now, Hyunjin was an official model for SKZ and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. Felix would be seeing more of him and styling him more, in other words, he'd be in close proximity with the model often. The first time Felix styled him, two weeks ago, he'd barely kept it together without melting anytime the other would look at him, how was he supposed to deal with this for the foreseeable future?!

Taking a deep breath, Felix bundled himself up a little tighter, feeling especially sensitive to the cold, due to the lack of sleep. Grabbing his hot coffee with extra shots of expresso, he finally exited his car and locked it behind him as he forcibly pushed himself into the building. Luckily, it wasn't as noisy in the lobby today and Seungmin was free for a quick hello.

"Hey Fel-! What's wrong?" Seungmin's happy greeting then turned to concern, causing Felix to sigh. Seungmin was his best friend, ofcourse he could tell something wasn't okay right away. "Just ... havent been able to sleep well lately, but it'll be over in three days, no need to worry. I'll get extra sleep next week." Felix admitted immediately, there was just no point in lying to the younger.

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