chapter thirty

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Chapter 30: Ofcourse I Like You, Are You Kidding?

Jisung had been avoiding Minho. It wasn't his brightest moment, considering they were working on a magazine article together, but the excuses on why he needed to be somewhere else seemed to spill out before he could think. Minho was confused to say the least, but let Jisung be. Minho wasn't one to push someone's boundaries, especially when it came to Jisung.

This week, however, Jisung was determined to cut the bullshit and be honest with the guy who's been consuming his braincells like a tasty treat. It would be spooky, that's for sure, but he also hoped it would work out okay in the end. Felix always reassured him it would be anyway, so Jisung would just have to believe that.

It was after work, finally, it was like Jisung had been buzzing all day with anticipation. When it was time to clock out, he did so and made sure to grab what he needed, before running to his car to grab the care basket he'd made. Was this too much..? Jisung asked himself as he observed the basket. ...Nah! It's fine, I bet.

Jisung waited for a moment to make sure Minho hadn't walked out yet before going and looking for his car. It was storming out, but at least it was still a little bright out since the sun was setting later now. It was still rather dreary, not that Jisung really minded. Jisung finally found Minho's car, but something was off. A light was on..

..and Minho was no where to be seen.

Maybe he'd stopped by his car a few minutes ago and the light had yet to shut off, but Jisung was just getting bad vibes. Suddenly, Jisung heard Minho calling him and turned around rather fast to see the brunette jogging over to him. "Hey! It's nice to see you, did you need something?" Minho asked as soon as he was sure Jisung could hear him properly.

Jisung was about to answer when Minho suddenly stopped and stared at something over Jisung's shoulder. Jisung's blood ran cold, "What?" He whispered out, trying not to make it obvious he was freaking out a little bit. "T-There's.." Minho started, but Jisung could tell he was struggling too.

"There's someone in my car.." Minho said as quietly as he could, putting a fake smile on, just in case the person was to look out at them again. Jisung began to tremble slightly. "Tell me what to do, call the police?" Minho nodded with fake enthusiasm, keeping up that facade. Jisung nodded back, quickly handing Minho the basket.

"This is for you, by the way." Jisung said, while subtly taking his phone out and dialing for the police. A lady picked up and answered with the standard "What's your emergency?" And Jisung was suddenly unsure what to say. "Hi! Yes, I'm sorry I missed your call earlier, I just got off work at SKZ Modeling Co."

"Alright.. Are you in danger?"

"Yes! I think so."

"I'm sending a unit to you now, where are you exactly?"

"Oh yeah, I'm just out in the parking lot with Minho. It's a bit dreary today, don't you think?"

"Alright, they're headed to you now, just stay on the phone with me alright."

"Oh, gotcha, I was thinking the same."

Jisung gave Minho a nod and when they heard the sirens getting closer, Minho pressed the button to his car, locking whoever was in it, inside for the mean time. That's when Jisung turned around at the sound of loud banging, there in the dark of the car was someone completely dressed in black trying to break through the window.

Jisung practically shrieked at the sound of the breaking glass. Minho pulled Jisung away quickly, but the person was more interested in escaping than getting back at them. The police pulled up in that moment, some with guns drawn as they began to pursue the hooded person. The lady on the phone asked if everything was okay and Jisung let out a shaky breath.

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