chapter twenty-one

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Chapter 21: "I love you."

*cw : for blatant homophobia (not just a small comment*

Seungmin really didn't like SKZ's newest hire. Tarin Kim. A tall, rather curvy woman, with long luscious black hair down to her hips. Tarin had sharp cat-like eyes and full, very red lips. She dressed herself in business-casual, but make it hot in a way. Seungmin would've thought her style was impeccable ... If she wasn't the absolute worst!

Today was just another day at work, a normal Monday, for gods sake. Yet, here she was, actively flirting with Chan in front of Seungmin, again. Tarin wasn't very obvious with her flirting, it was relatively subtle. Seungmin appreciated she didn't get too handsy with Chan either, for what it was worth, but she did come close at some times. 

Seungmin was in Chan's office because he was on his daily break, he always spent his break with Chan. Even if they didn't talk and Chan continued to work or when Chan decided to ignore what work he had for the duration of Seungmin's break, just to spend time with his boyfriend. It was usually the second that was more common and that's how they were today. 

Unfortunately, Tarin chose the wrong time to come in and make a fuss over .. gods know what. Seungmin knew it was relating PR issues, but it was off. They were simple issues that she was supposedly skilled enough to deal with. Isn't this bullshit the reason she was hired? Seungmin thought to himself. Chan always mentioned how it was weird too him too.

"I'm confused on why this is not be easily resolved by you?" Chan asks, though scrolling through the tablet Tarin had handed him to fix some details and then .. send an email properly? Chan was flabbergasted how she could've messed that one up. It was a simple yes or no question, approving a scheduling change for an upcoming social media post. 

Tarin visibly pouted, "Awh, c'mon Chan~ You know my Korean isn't the best still!" Seungmin scowled at her tone and scoffed quietly at her. Tarin may be from the states, but she was quite fluent in Korean. Even Chan and Felix, who are English speakers first, could tell she was perfectly capable. Seungmin knew it too, she spoke perfect and even eloquent Korean.

Sometimes Seungmin questioned if she was really from the states, with the dialect she uses. Chan sighed, finally handing the tablet back to her. "Alright, sure, but you really need to be able to do these things yourself. I stepped down from the position for a reason, Tarin." Tarin took the tablet, pout still going strong. 

"And what if I just wanted to see you, Channie?~" Seungmin wanted to gag, right then and there. Looking at Chan, he could see the uncomfortable look on his face. "Uh- Tarin, like I've said befo-" Before Chan could continue his phone began to ring. Checking the caller ID, he quickly stood up and excuse himself, kissing Seungmin on the cheek before stepping out of the office. 

Seungmin thought Tarin would just up and leave, not acknowledging Seungmin at all as she does so. Today .. seemed to take a different turn. Instead of her usual meander out of the office, making her hips sway a little exaggeratedly, she stayed standing there. Seungmin did his best to ignore her, still tapping away at his phone, smiling at a joke Felix made. 

"Why are you still always here?" Seungmin paused in what he was doing, looking at her with narrowed eyes. "I'm on break? I spend my break with my boyfriend?? What's there to question?" Seungmin shook his head and brought his attention back to his phone, but Tarin didn't seem satisfied with that. 

Tarin grabbed Seungmin's phone from his hands and held it away from him when he tried to reach for it. "You can't actually be serious? A man like that actually wants to be with someone like you?" Seungmin paused in his action to retrieve his phone, his face twisting in an expression of anger. 

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